Department Members
Department Activity
MA program offered
PhD program offered
Also at University of Adelaide
Stephanie Sheintul, Doxastic Wronging, Disrespectful Belief, & The Moral Over-Demandingness ObjectionJournal of Value Inquiry 1-11. forthcoming.
Atheer Al-Khalfa, Fixing Reference by Maximising KnowledgeErgo: An Open Access Journal of Philosophy. forthcoming.
Antony Eagle, Causal FictionalismIn Yafeng Shan (ed.), Alternative Philosophical Approaches to Causation: Beyond Difference-making and Mechanism, Oxford University Press. 2024.
Chris Mortensen and Antony Eagle, Graham Charles Nerlich (23 November 1929 – 31 March 2022)Australasian Journal of Philosophy 101 (1): 249-250. 2023.
Frederick Kroon and Paul Edward Oppenheimer, Why Realisms about Fiction Must (and Can) Accommodate Fictional PropertiesPhilosophies 8 (5): 82. 2023.
Pei-Hua Huang, Climate Change and Human EngineeringIn Gianfranco Pellegrino & Marcello Di Paola (eds.), Handbook of the Philosophy of Climate Change, Springer. pp. 939-955. 2023.
Stephanie Sheintul, The Normative Connection Between Paternalism and BeliefThe Journal of Ethics 27 (1): 97-114. 2023.
Antony Eagle, Relativity and the A-theoryIn Eleanor Knox & Alastair Wilson (eds.), The Routledge Companion to Philosophy of Physics, Routledge. 2022.
Pei-Hua Huang, COVID-19 Vaccination and the Right to Take RisksJournal of Medical Ethics 48 534-537. 2022.
Pei-Hua Huang, Ki-hun Kim, and Maartje Schermer, Mapping the Ethical Issues of Digital Twins for Personalised Healthcare ServiceJournal of Medical Internet Research 24 (1). 2022.
Pei-Hua Huang, Uncertainty, Vaccination, and the Duties of Liberal StatesIn Matthew James Dennis, Georgy Ishmaev, Steven Umbrello & Jeroen van den Hoven (eds.), Values for a Post-Pandemic Future, Springer. pp. 97-110. 2022.
Stephanie Sheintul, On the Normative Connection Between Paternalism and RightsJournal of Ethics and Social Philosophy 21 (2). 2022.
Paul Edward Oppenheimer and Edward Zalta, On Anselm’s Ontological Argument in Proslogion IIHistory of Philosophy & Logical Analysis 25 (2): 327-351. 2021.
Marion Boulicault and S. Andrew Schroeder, Public Trust in Science: Exploring the Idiosyncrasy-Free IdealIn Kevin Vallier & Michael Weber (eds.), Social Trust: Foundational and Philosophical Issues, Routledge. 2021.
James Vlachoulis, A Defence of the B-Theory of Time with Respect to the Problem of ChangeDissertation, University of Adelaide. 2021.
Jordi Fernández, Self-Referential Memory and Mental Time TravelReview of Philosophy and Psychology 11 (2): 283-300. 2020.
Paul Edward Oppenheimer, Property Identity and ReificationAustralasian Philosophical Review 4 (4): 367-372. 2020.
Edilson J. Rodrigues, Paulo Santos, Marcos Lopes, Brandon Bennett, and Paul Edward Oppenheimer, Standpoint Semantics for Polysemy in Spatial PrepositionsJournal of Logic and Computation 30 (2): 635-661. 2020.
Pei-hua Huang, Who’s afraid of Perfectionist Moral Enhancement? A Reply to SparrowBioethics (8): 865-871. 2020.
Pei-Hua Huang, Clean Hands? Philosophical Lessons from Scrupulosity. Jesse S. Summers and Walter Sinnott‐Armstrong, 2019. New York, Oxford University Press. xii 202pp, $74 (review)Journal of Applied Philosophy 37 (3): 505-507. 2020.
Jordi Fernández, Memory: A Self-Referential AccountOxford University Press. 2019.
Matthew Sample, Marion Boulicault, C. J. Allen, Rashid Bashir, Insoo Hyun, Megan Levis, Caroline Lowenthal, David Mertz, and Nuria Montserrat, Multi-cellular engineered living systems: building a community around responsible research on emergenceBiofabrication 11 (4). 2019.
Pei-Hua Huang and Peter Shiu-Hwa Tsu, Biomedical Moral Enhancement in the Face of Moral Particularism – AddendumRoyal Institute of Philosophy Supplement 85 271-271. 2019.
Jordi Fernandez, The functional character of memoryIn Kourken Michaelian, Dorothea Debus & Denis Perrin (eds.), New Directions in the Philosophy of Memory, Routledge. pp. 52-72. 2018.
Marion Boulicault and Timothy Emmanuel Brown, How Relationships Matter: The Need for Closer Attention to Relationality in Neuroethical StudiesAmerican Journal of Bioethics Neuroscience 9 (4): 235-237. 2018.
Pei-Hua Huang and Peter Shiu-Hwa Tsu, Biomedical Moral Enhancement in the Face of Moral ParticularismRoyal Institute of Philosophy Supplement 83 189-208. 2018.
Pei-Hua Huang, Moral Enhancement, Self-Governance, and ResistanceJournal of Medicine and Philosophy 43 (5): 547-567. 2018.