Department Members
Department Activity
MA program offered
Also at University of Antwerp
Bence Nanay, Music and multimodal mental imageryIn Music and Mental Imagery, Routledge. forthcoming.
Bence Nanay, Against imaginationIn Jonathan Cohen & Brian McLaughlin (eds.), Contemporary Debates in the Philosophy of Mind (2nd Edition), Blackwell. forthcoming.
Bence Nanay, Three books about the philosophy of Marcel ProustJournal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism. forthcoming.
Federico Fantelli, Caricature, recognition, misrepresentationPhenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences. forthcoming.
Kristien Hens, Book review: Nel Noddings, The Maternal Factor: Two Paths to Morality (review)Ethical Perspectives. forthcoming.
Rebecca Rowson, Perceiving the Event of EmotionErgo: An Open Access Journal of Philosophy 12 (n/a). 2025.
Manolo Martínez and Bence Nanay, Many-to-One IntentionalismJournal of Philosophy 121 (2): 89-107. 2024.
Christopher Jude McCarroll, Kourken Michaelian, and Bence Nanay, Explanatory Contextualism about Episodic Memory: Towards A Diagnosis of the Causalist-Simulationist DebateErkenntnis 89 (6): 2273-2301. 2024.
Bence Nanay, Aesthetic Experience as InteractionJournal of the American Philosophical Association 10 (4): 715-727. 2024.
Dominic Lopes, Samantha Matherne, Mohan Matthen, and Bence Nanay, The Geography of TasteOxford University Press. 2024.
Bence Nanay, Everyday aesthetic injusticeIn Dominic Lopes, Samantha Matherne, Mohan Matthen & Bence Nanay (eds.), The Geography of Taste, Oxford University Press. 2024.
Bence Nanay, Franz Boas and the Primacy of FormBritish Journal of Aesthetics 64 (3): 381-395. 2024.
Erik Weber, Ann Wyverkens, and Bert Leuridan, Rethinking Evidence-Based ManagementPhilosophy of Management 23 (1): 59-84. 2024.
Mike McNamee, Lynley C. Anderson, Pascal Borry, Silvia Camporesi, Wayne Derman, Soren Holm, Taryn Knox, Bert Leuridan, Sigmund Loland, Francisco Javier Lopez Frias, Ludovica Lorusso, Dominic Malcolm, David McArdle, Brad Partridge, Thomas Schramme, and Mike Weed, Sport-related concussion research agenda beyond medical science: culture, ethics, science, policyJournal of Medical Ethics 51 (1): 68-76. 2024.
Stephen Gadsby, Delusions in Anorexia NervosaIn Ema Sullivan-Bissett (ed.), The Routledge Handbook of the Philosophy of Delusion, Routledge. 2024.
Stephen Gadsby, Anorexia Nervosa, Body Dissatisfaction, and Problematic BeliefsReview of Philosophy and Psychology 15 (3): 685-704. 2024.
Rebecca Rowson, The Dispositional Account of Emotional ExpressionThe Philosophical Quarterly. 2024.
Kristien Hens, Epigenetics, Bioethics and a Developmental Outlook on LifeIn Emma Moormann, Anna Smajdor & Daniela Cutas (eds.), Epigenetics and Responsibility: Ethical Perspectives, Bristol University Press. pp. 23-36. 2024.
Kristien Hens, Emma Moormann, Anna Smajdor, and Daniela Cutas, If Marc is Suzanne’s father, does it follow that Suzanne is Marc’s child? An experimental philosophy study in reproductive ethicsJournal of Medical Ethics. 2024.
Kristien Hens and Eman Ahmed, Responsibility and the MicrobiomeIn Emma Moormann, Anna Smajdor & Daniela Cutas (eds.), Epigenetics and Responsibility: Ethical Perspectives, Bristol University Press. pp. 129-141. 2024.
Emma Moormann and Kristien Hens, IntroductionIn Emma Moormann, Anna Smajdor & Daniela Cutas (eds.), Epigenetics and Responsibility: Ethical Perspectives, Bristol University Press. pp. 1-22. 2024.
Jasper Van de Vijver, Corijn van Mazijk (2021), De wereld als verschijning: Fenomenologie en de twintigste eeuw, Amsterdam: Boom, 205 pp., € 24,90 (paperback) (review)Algemeen Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Wijsbegeerte 116 (4): 418-421. 2024.
Grace Helton and Bence Nanay, Against the very idea of a perceptual beliefAnalytic Philosophy 64 (2): 93-105. 2023.
Bence Nanay, The selective advantage of representing correctlyPhilosophy and Phenomenological Research 107 (3): 706-717. 2023.
Bence Nanay, Properties in perceptionIn A. R. J. Fisher & Anna-Sofia Maurin (eds.), The Routledge Handbook of Properties, Routledge. 2023.