Department Members
Department Activity
MA program offered
PhD program offered
Also at Arizona State University
- Professor
- Philosophy of Religion, Ludwig Wittgenstein, Social and Political Philosophy
- Associate Professor of Philosophy, Cognition, and Culture
- Epistemology, Social Epistemology, Philosophy of Psychology, Skepticism, Misc
- Professor
- Aesthetics, Philosophy of Music, Philosophy of Law, Social and Political Philosophy
- Associate Professor (Part-time)
- Sustainability, Well-Being, Well-Being, Misc, Philosophy of Social Science, Philosophy of Economics, Applied Ethics, Social and Political Philosophy
- Assistant Professor
- Evidence and Proof in Law, Ethics of Artificial Intelligence, Epistemology, Philosophy of Law
- Associate Professor
- Philosophy of Language, Philosophy of Mind, Philosophy of Cognitive Science
- Associate Professor
- Epistemology, Experimental Philosophy, Philosophy of Language
- Professor
- Reasons and Rationality, Reasons and Oughts, Consequentialism, Agent-Neutral and Agent-Relative Consequentialism, Actualism and Possibilism in Ethics, Practical Reason, Moral Rationality, Moral Reasons, Normative Ethics, Control and Responsibility
- Associate Professor
- Applied Ethics, Social Epistemology, Biomedical Ethics, Normative Ethics, Metaphysics and Epistemology