Laurence McCullough, Contributions of Ethical Theory to Pediatric Ethics Pediatricians and Parents as Co-fiduciaries of Pediatric PatientsPediatric Bioethics. forthcoming.
Michelle T. Nguyen, Eric Rafla-Yuan, Emily Boyd, Laurence McCullough, Frank A. Chervenak, and Emily C. Dossett, Ethical considerations in the treatment of chronic psychosis in a periviable pregnancyClinical Ethics 18 (1): 113-119. 2023.
Laurence McCullough, John Coverdale, and Frank A. Chervenak, Professional virtue of civility and the responsibilities of medical educators and academic leadersJournal of Medical Ethics 49 (10): 674-678. 2023.
Laurence McCullough, John Coverdale, and Frank A. Chervenak, Professional virtue of civility: responding to commentariesJournal of Medical Ethics 49 (10): 692-693. 2023.
Laurence McCullough, Robert Veatch’s Disrupted Dialogue and its implications for bioethicsTheoretical Medicine and Bioethics 43 (4): 221-233. 2022.
Laurence McCullough, Beneficence and Wellbeing: A Critical AppraisalAmerican Journal of Bioethics 20 (3): 65-68. 2020.
Laurence McCullough, In Response to COVID-19 Pandemic Physicians Already Know What to DoAmerican Journal of Bioethics 20 (7): 9-12. 2020.
Laurence McCullough, The ethical concept of medicine as a profession discovery or invention?Journal of Medical Ethics 45 (12): 786-787. 2019.
Allan S. Brett and Laurence McCullough, Getting Past Words: Futility and the Professional Ethics of Life-Sustaining TreatmentPerspectives in Biology and Medicine 60 (3): 319-327. 2018.
Laurence McCullough, Philosophical Provocation: The Lifeblood of Clinical EthicsJournal of Medicine and Philosophy 42 (1): 1-6. 2017.
Laurence McCullough and Tessy A. Thomas, Focus More on Causes and Less on Symptoms of Moral DistressJournal of Clinical Ethics 28 (1): 30-32. 2017.
Laurence McCullough, Physicians’ Professionally Responsible Power: A Core Concept of Clinical EthicsJournal of Medicine and Philosophy 41 (1): 1-9. 2016.
Laurence McCullough, Medicine as a Profession: A Hypothetical Imperative in Clinical EthicsJournal of Medicine and Philosophy 40 (1): 1-7. 2015.
Laurence McCullough, Professionally Responsible Clinical Ethical Judgments of FutilityAmerican Journal of Bioethics 15 (8): 54-56. 2015.
Sarah Scollon, Katie Bergstrom, Laurence McCullough, Amy L. McGuire, Stephanie Gutierrez, Robin Kerstein, D. Williams Parsons, and Sharon E. Plon, Pediatric Cancer Genetics Research and an Evolving Preventive Ethics Approach for Return of Results after Death of the SubjectJournal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 43 (3): 529-537. 2015.
Laurence McCullough, Physicians’ Professionally Responsible Power: A Core Concept of Clinical EthicsJournal of Medicine and Philosophy. 2015.
Jennifer Swindell Blumenthal-Barby, A Framework for Assessing the Moral Status of Manipulation,In Christian Coons & Michael Weber (eds.), Manipulation: Theory and Practice, Oup Usa. pp. 121-134. 2014.
Chris Feudtner, Jeremy Sugarman, Barbara A. Koenig, Peter A. Ubel, Richard F. Ittenbach, Laura Roberts, and Laurence McCullough, AJOB Empirical Bioethics: A Home for Empirical Bioethics ScholarshipAJOB Empirical Bioethics 5 (1): 1-2. 2014.
Laurence McCullough, Deliberative Clinical Ethics: Getting Back to Basics in the Work of Clinical Ethics and Clinical EthicistsJournal of Medicine and Philosophy 39 (1): 1-7. 2014.
Aanand D. Naik and Laurence McCullough, Health Intuitions Inform Patient-Centered CareAmerican Journal of Bioethics 14 (6): 1-3. 2014.
Ellen Wright Clayton, Laurence McCullough, Leslie G. Biesecker, Steven Joffe, Lainie Ross, Susan Wolf, and For the Clinical Sequencing Exploratory Research Group, Addressing the Ethical Challenges in Genetic Testing and Sequencing of ChildrenAmerican Journal of Bioethics 14 (3): 3-9. 2014.
Jennifer Swindell Blumenthal-Barby, Choice Architecture: Improving Choice While Preserving Liberty?In Christian Coons & Michael Weber (eds.), Paternalism: Theory and Practice, Cambridge University Press. 2013.
Jennifer Swindell Blumenthal-Barby, “Choosing Wisely” to Reduce Low-Value Care: A Conceptual and Ethical AnalysisJournal of Medicine and Philosophy 38 (5): 559-580. 2013.
J. S. Swindell Blumenthal-Barby, On Nudging and Informed Consent—Four Key Undefended PremisesAmerican Journal of Bioethics 13 (6). 2013.
Laurence McCullough, Critically Appraising Prenatal Genetic Diagnosis to Prevent Disorders of Sexual Development: An Opportunity MissedAmerican Journal of Bioethics 13 (10). 2013.
Laurence McCullough, Frank A. Chervenak, Robert L. Brent, and Benjamin Hippen, Normalizing Atypical Genitalia: How a Heated Debate Went Astray (vol 42, pg 32, 2012)Hastings Center Report 43 (1): 7-7. 2013.
Laurence McCullough, Professional Responsibility to and for Patients and the Ethics of Health PolicyAmerican Journal of Bioethics 13 (8): 16-18. 2013.
Laurence McCullough, Critical Appraisal of Clinical Judgment: An Essential Dimension of Clinical EthicsJournal of Medicine and Philosophy 38 (1): 1-5. 2013.
F. A. Chervenak, Laurence McCullough, A. Grünebaum, B. Arabin, M. I. Levene, and R. L. Brent, Planned Home Birth in the United States and Professionalism: A Critical AssessmentJournal of Clinical Ethics 24 (3): 184-191. 2013.