Department Members
Department Activity
MA program offered
PhD program offered
Also at Cambridge University
- Isaac Newton Trust Academic Career Development Fellow In Philosophy
- : Magdalene College
- Social and Political Philosophy
- Post-doctoral Fellow
- : Peterhouse College
- Classical Chinese Philosophy, Classical Daoism, Misc, Zhuangzi, Pre-Socratic Philosophy, Ancient Greek and Roman Philosophy, Parmenides
- Leverhulme Early Career Fellow
- Philosophy of Biology, Value Theory, Social and Political Philosophy, Science and Values
- Post-doctoral Fellow
- Metaphysics, Philosophy of Language, 20th Century Analytic Philosophy
- Early-Career Research Fellow
- : Corpus Christi College
- : Aug 31, 2027
- Ancient Greek and Roman Philosophy, Aristotle: Mathematical Objects, Aristotle: Place, Philosophy of Mathematics
- Junior Research Fellow
- : Sidney Sussex College
- Philosophy of Language, Philosophy of Mind, Aesthetics, Self-Consciousness