Department Members
Department Activity
PhD program offered
Also at Freie Universität Berlin
- Lecturer
- Social and Political Philosophy, Normative Ethics, Applied Ethics, Consumer Ethics, Political Theory, Value Theory
- Professor
- Social and Political Philosophy, Government and Democracy, Philosophy of Social Science
- Junior Professor
- Feminist Philosophy, Philosophy of Sexuality, Social and Political Philosophy, Applied Ethics
- Regular Faculty
- Social and Political Philosophy, Justice in Applied Ethics, Normative Ethics, Equality
- Privatdozent
- Philosophy, Misc, Philosophical Traditions, Value Theory, Metaphysics and Epistemology, History of Western Philosophy
- Professor
- Dispositions and Powers, Metaphysics, Modality, Modal Expressions, Modal Epistemology, Modal Empiricism, Abilities
- Regular Faculty
- Epistemology, Philosophy of Language, 20th Century Philosophy, Continental Philosophy, John Dewey, Ludwig Wittgenstein, Hegel: Post-Kantian Interpretation