- Professor
- : Department of Philosophy
- : Philosophy
- History of Western Philosophy, Medieval and Renaissance Philosophy, Arabic and Islamic Philosophy
- Associate Professor
- : Department of Philosophy
- : Philosophy
- History of Western Philosophy, Science, Logic, and Mathematics
- Regular Faculty
- 17th/18th Century Philosophy, Philosophy of Religion, Philosophy of Mind
- Professor
- : Department Of Mathematics
- : Logic
- Value Theory, Science, Logic, and Mathematics
- Professor
- : Department Of Religion
- : Religion
- Religious Studies, Metaphysics and Epistemology
- Professor
- : Department Of Religion
- : religion
- Arts and Humanities, Religious Studies
- Assistant Professor
- : Department of Philosophy
- : Philosophy
- Theravada Buddhist Philosophy, Philosophy of Mind, Phenomenology, Existentialism, Psychology, Neuroscience
- Professor
- : Department of Philosophy
- : Philosophy
- Normative Ethics, Social and Political Philosophy, 17th/18th Century Philosophy