Department Members
Department Activity
Also at University of Manchester
- Doctoral student
- Applied Ethics, African/Africana Philosophy, Social and Political Philosophy
- Doctoral student
- Value Theory, Metaphysics and Epistemology, Theories of Emotion, Varieties of Emotion, Aspects of Emotion, Moral Emotion, Virtue Epistemology, Action Theory, Decision Theory, Free Will
- Doctoral student
- Philosophy of Mind, Perception, Temporal Experience, Perception and Phenomenology
- Doctoral student
- Russellian and Direct Reference Theories of Meaning, Intentionality, Reference, Metaontology, Objects, Ontology, Methodology in Metaphysics
- Masters student
- Philosophy of Perception, General, Perception and the Mind, Sensory Modalities, The Perceptual Relation, The Nature of Perceptual Experience, The Contents of Perception, Direct Reference Theories of Indexicals, Theories of Reference
- Doctoral student
- Theory of Mind and Folk Psychology, Philosophy of Psychology, Misc, Developmental Psychology