Department Members
Also at Minnesota State University, Mankato
- Professor
- : Department of Philosophy
- : Philosophy
- Normative Ethics, Applied Ethics, Aesthetics
- Professor
- : Department of Philosophy
- : Philosophy
- Philosophy of Social Science, Social and Political Philosophy, Applied Ethics
- Regular Faculty
- : Department of Philosophy
- : Philosophy
- Philosophy of Law, Feminist Philosophy, Philosophy of Gender, Topics in the Philosophy of Race
- Assistant Professor
- : Philosophy
- Normative Ethics, Applied Ethics, Meta-Ethics, Social and Political Philosophy, Value Theory, Miscellaneous
- Assistant Professor
- : Department of Philosophy
- : Philosophy
- Applied Ethics, Meta-Ethics, Normative Ethics, Social and Political Philosophy
- Professor
- : Department of Philosophy
- : Philosophy
- Philosophy of Biology, Genetics and Molecular Biology, Interlevel Relations in Biology, Developmental Biology, Philosophy of Biology, Miscellaneous, Teleology and Function