- Senior Lecturer
- : Department of Philosophy
- : Philosophy
- Metaphysics, David Hume, Ontological Categories, Tropes, Relations, Metaontology
- Senior Lecturer
- : Faculty of Social Sciences
- : Social Research
- Experimental Philosophy: Corpus Analysis, Free Will, Conceptual Analysis, Anthropology, Political Science, Geography, Sociology, Narrative, Social Identity, Narrative Identity
- Professor
- : Department of Philosophy
- : Philosophy
- Meta-Ethics, Normative Ethics, Social and Political Philosophy
- Associate Professor
- : Philosophy
- Metaphysics, Philosophy of Language, Philosophy of Mind, Logic and Philosophy of Logic, Philosophy of Mathematics, Philosophy of Social Science, General Philosophy of Science
- Professor
- : Department of Philosophy
- : Philosophy
- General Philosophy of Science, Philosophy of Social Science, Philosophy of Mathematics, Philosophy of Computing and Information, Logic and Philosophy of Logic, Philosophy of Mind, Philosophy of Language, Metaphysics
- Lecturer
- : Department of Philosophy
- : Philosophy
- Feminist Metaphysics, Feminist Philosophy, Philosophy of Action, Philosophy of Mind