Department Members
Department Activity
MA program offered
PhD program offered
Also at Temple University
- Doctoral student
- Philosophy of Psychiatry, Philosophy of Action, Social Ontology
- Doctoral student
- Ignorance, Epistemologies of Ignorance, Feminist Philosophy of Science, Philosophy of Medicine, Philosophy of Psychiatry and Psychopathology, Scientific Research Ethics, Medical Research Ethics
- Doctoral student
- Normative Ethics, Social and Political Philosophy, Applied Ethics
- Doctoral student
- Moral Psychology, Autonomy and Agency, Ethical Theories and Sexual Ethics, Trust, Kantian Ethics
- Doctoral student
- Compulsion and Addiction, Philosophy of Mind, Philosophy of Action, Psychopathology and Responsibility, Philosophy of Psychiatry
- Doctoral student
- Plato: Happiness, Plato: The Good, Ancient Greek and Roman Metaphysics, Aristotle: Happiness, Aristotle: The Good Life, Aristotle: The Good, Plato, Aristotle, Normative Ethics, Meta-Ethics
- Graduate student
- Social and Political Philosophy, Philosophy of Gender, Race, and Sexuality
- Masters student
- Biomedical Ethics, Applied Ethics, Organ Donation, Organ Transplantation, Philosophy of Gender, Race, and Sexuality
- Graduate student
- Philosophy of Action, Applied Ethics, Ancient Greek and Roman Philosophy
- Doctoral student
- Epistemology, Philosophy of Mind, Epistemology of Mind, Self-Knowledge