Department Members
Department Activity
MA program offered
PhD program offered
Also at University of Toronto, St. George Campus
- Professor
- Medieval and Renaissance Philosophy, Avicenna, Medieval Arabic and Islamic Philosophy
- Associate Professor
- Epistemology, Philosophy of Language, Logic and Philosophy of Logic
- Professor
- Memory and Cognitive Science, Philosophy of Mind, Philosophy of Computing and Information, Intentionality
- Associate Professor
- Philosophy of Language, Semantics, Meta-Ethics, Logic and Philosophy of Logic
- Professor
- 19th Century Philosophy, Social and Political Philosophy, Continental Philosophy, Philosophy of Literature, Aesthetics, Socialism and Marxism
- Assistant Professor
- Practical Reason, Moral Reasoning and Motivation, Moral Psychology
- Associate Professor
- Applied Ethics, Normative Ethics, Social and Political Philosophy
- Regular Faculty
- Ancient Greek and Roman Philosophy, Aristotle: Biology, Aristotle: Matter and Material Change, Aristotle: Causation, Aristotle: Chance, Aristotle: Necessity and Possibility, Aristotle: Theoretical Wisdom, Aristotle's Works in Natural Science, Aristotle: Time, Aristotle: Place
- Associate Professor
- General Philosophy of Science, Logic and Philosophy of Logic, Epistemology
- Assistant Professor
- Philosophy of Physical Science, General Philosophy of Science
- Distinguished Professor
- American Pragmatism, Social and Political Philosophy, The Nature of Philosophy