Department Members
Department Activity
MA program offered
PhD program offered
Also at Complutense University of Madrid
- Professor
- Ludwig Wittgenstein, Vagueness and Indeterminacy, Fregean Theories of Meaning, Anselm, Developmental Biology, Genetics and Molecular Biology, Teleology, Medieval Philosophy of Language, 20th Century Analytic Philosophy
- Associate Professor
- Social and Political Philosophy, Miscellaneous, Feminist Philosophy, Epistemology
- Assistant Professor
- Philosophy of Mind, Persons, Theories of Personal Identity, Psychological Theories of Personal Identity, Puzzle Cases in Personal Identity, Personal Identity and Values, Narrative Identity
- Regular Faculty
- Metaphysics and Epistemology, History of Western Philosophy, Other Academic Areas
- Assistant Professor
- Metaphysics, Philosophy of Biology, Evolutionary Biology, Feminist Metaphysics