Department Members
Department Activity
Also at University of York
Martin O'Neill, Piketty, Meade and PredistributionCrooked Timber Book Seminar on Thomas Piketty, Capital in the Twenty-First Century. forthcoming.
Markus Furendal and Martin O'Neill, Work, Justice, and Collective Capital Institutions: Revisiting Rudolf Meidner and the Case for Wage‐Earner FundsJournal of Applied Philosophy 41 (2): 306-329. 2024.
Martin O'Neill, Radical Democratic Inclusion: Why We Should Lower the Voting Age to 12Royal Institute of Philosophy Supplement 91 185-212. 2022.
Martin O'Neill, Justice, Power, and Participatory Socialism: on Piketty’s Capital and IdeologyAnalyse & Kritik 43 (1): 89-124. 2021.
Martin O'Neill, Genetic information, social justice, and risk-sharing institutionsJournal of Medical Ethics 47 (7): 482-483. 2021.
Sara Van Goozen, Ethics, Security, and the War Machine: The True Cost of the MilitaryN.Dobos, 2020OxfordOxford University Press ix 184 pp, £45 (hb) (review)Journal of Applied Philosophy 38 (2): 351-353. 2021.
Josh Milburn and Sara Van Goozen, Counting Animals in WarSocial Theory and Practice 47 (4): 657-685. 2021.
Martin O'Neill and Shepley Orr, Taxation: Philosophical Perspectives (edited book)Oxford University Press. 2018.
Sara Van Goozen, Sharing the costs of fighting justlyCritical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy (2): 1-21. 2018.
Martin O'Neill, Survey Article: Philosophy and Public Policy after PikettyJournal of Political Philosophy 25 (3): 343-375. 2017.
Sara Van Goozen, Harming Civilians and the Associative Duties of SoldiersJournal of Applied Philosophy 35 (3): 584-600. 2016.
Martin O'Neill, Turning the Tide on TaxIn Daisy-Rose Srblin (ed.), Values Added: Rethinking Tax for the 21st Century, Fabian Society. pp. 11-16. 2015.
Martin O'Neill, Economics after the Crisis, and the Crisis in EconomicsRenewal 21 (2-3): 132-43. 2013.
Martin O’Neill, Constructing a Contractualist Egalitarianism: Equality after ScanlonJournal of Moral Philosophy 10 (4): 429-461. 2013.
Martin O’Neill, Symposium on the Political Philosophy of T. M. Scanlon IntroductionJournal of Moral Philosophy 10 (4): 371-374. 2013.
Martin O'Neill, The Promise of PredistributionPolicy Network - Predistribution and the Crisis in Living Standards. 2012.
Martin O'Neill, Free (and Fair) Markets without Capitalism: Political Values, Principles of Justice, and Property-Owning DemocracyIn Martin O'Neill & Thad Williamson (eds.), Property-Owning Democracy: Rawls and Beyond, Wiley-blackwell. pp. 75-100. 2012.
Martin O'neill, Priority, Preference and ValueUtilitas 24 (3): 332-348. 2012.
John O'Neill and Martin O'Neill, Social Justice and the Future of Flood InsuranceJoseph Rowntree Foundation. 2012.
Martin O'Neill, Political Values, Principles of Justice, and Property-Owning DemocracyIn Martin O'Neill & Thad Williamson (eds.), Property-Owning Democracy: Rawls and Beyond, Wiley-blackwell. pp. 75. 2012.
Boudewijn de Bruin, Lisa Maria Herzog, Martin O'Neill, and Joakim Sandberg, Philosophy of money and financeIn Ed Zalta (ed.), Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy, Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy. 2012.
Martin O'Neill, Entreprises et conventionnalisme: régulation, impôt et justice socialeRaison Publique. 2009.
Martin O'Neill and Thad Williamson, Property-Owning Democracy and the Demands of JusticeLiving Reviews in Democracy 1 1-10. 2009.
Martin O'Neill, Liberty, equality and property-owning democracyJournal of Social Philosophy 40 (3): 379-396. 2009.
Martin O'Neill, Three Rawlsian Routes towards Economic DemocracyRevue de Philosophie Économique 9 (1): 29-55. 2008.