Department Members
Department Activity
MA program offered
PhD program offered
Also at Uppsala University
Matti Eklund, Possible Limits of Conceptual Engineering: Magnetism, Fixed Points and InescapabilityArgumenta. forthcoming.
Matti Eklund, Normative conceptsIn David Copp & Connie Rosati (eds.), The Oxford Handbook of Metaethics, Oxford University Press. forthcoming.
Matti Eklund, Conceptual engineering and conceptual innovationInquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy. forthcoming.
Andrew Reisner, Welfarist Pluralism: Pluralistic Reasons for Belief and the Value of TruthPhilosophical Topics. forthcoming.
Andreas Stokke, Review of Wright & Pedersen (eds.), New Waves in Truth (review)Notre Dame Philosophical Reviews. forthcoming.
Andreas Stokke, Lies are assertions and presuppositions are notInquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy. forthcoming.
Sebastian Lutz, Ordinary Language Philosophy and Ideal Language PhilosophyIn Marcus Rossberg (ed.), The Cambridge Companion to Analytic Philosophy, Cambridge University Press. forthcoming.
Sebastian Lutz, On Hempel on HempelIn Georg Schiemer (ed.), The Vienna Circle – History and Legacy, Springer- Nature. forthcoming.
Sebastian Lutz, The Received View and Its ImagesIn Flavia Padovani & Adam Tamas Tuboly (eds.), The Routledge Handbook of the History and Philosophy of Science, Routledge. forthcoming.
Erik Carlson, Jens Johansson, and Anna Nyman, Higher-Order Control: An Argument for Moral LuckAustralasian Journal of Philosophy. forthcoming.
Jessica Pepp, Eliot Michaelson, and Rachel Katharine Sterken, Why we should keep talking about fake newsInquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy 65 (4): 471-487. forthcoming.
Jessica Pepp, The size of a lie: from truthlikeness to sincerityInquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy. forthcoming.
Jessica Pepp, Reference without intentions in large language modelsInquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy. forthcoming.
Jens Johansson, Review of Nils Holtug, Persons, Interests, and Justice (review)Theoria. forthcoming.
Jens Johansson, Review of LR Baker, The Metaphysics of Everyday Life (review)Philosophical Quarterly. forthcoming.
Jens Johansson, Review of Anders Jeffner, I vetandets gränsmarker: Nio essäer om religion och verklighetstolkning (review)Filosofisk Tidskrift. forthcoming.
Jens Johansson, Review of Robert E. Goodin, On Settling (Princeton UP, 2012) (review)Australasian Journal of Philosophy. forthcoming.
Erik Carlson, Magnus Jedenheim-Edling, and Jens Johansson, The Significance of Tiny Contributions : Barnett and BeyondUtilitas. forthcoming.
Jens Johansson and Olle Risberg, The Worse than Nothing Account of Harm: A Fallen HeroUtilitas 1-7. forthcoming.
Erik Carlson and Olle Risberg, In defense of value incomparability: A reply to Dorr, Nebel, and ZuehlNoûs. forthcoming.
Miguel F. Dos Santos, How (not) to be a buck-passer about artThought: A Journal of Philosophy. forthcoming.
Nikhil Mahant, Making AI Intelligible: Philosophical Foundations. By Herman Cappelen and Josh Dever. (review)Philosophical Quarterly. forthcoming.
Paiman Karimi, Relaxed realism and normative belief: A functionalist accountPhilosophical Quarterly. forthcoming.
Irene Martínez Marín, Appreciating Taylor’s Versions: An Aesthetic Love Story.In Brandon Polite (ed.), Taylor Swift and the Philosophy of Re-recording: The Art of Taylor's Versions, Bloomsbury. 2025.