- Professor
- : Humanities
- : Philosophy
- Metaphysics, Philosophy of Religion, Philosophy of Computing and Information, Philosophy of Economics
- Regular Faculty
- : Department of Philosophy
- : Philosophy
- 17th/18th Century Philosophy
- Lecturer
- : Philosophy
- Applied Ethics, Biomedical Ethics, Human Rights, Social and Political Philosophy, Rights, The Concept of Rights, Foundations of Rights, Multiculturalism, Globalization, Imperialism
- Regular Faculty
- : Humanities
- : Philosophy
- Meta-Ethics, Chinese Buddhist Philosophy, Chinese Neo-Confucianism, Classical Chinese Philosophy, Virtue Ethics, Moral Realism and Irrealism, Asian Philosophy
- Associate Professor
- : Humanities
- : Philosophy
- Ancient Greek and Roman Philosophy, Value Theory, Chinese Philosophy, Metaphilosophy, Philosophical Traditions
- Regular Faculty
- : Department of Philosophy
- : Philosophy
- Philosophy of Gender, Race, and Sexuality, Social and Political Philosophy, Normative Ethics