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Marche Polytechnic UniversityGeneral Philosophy of Science, Epistemology, Misc, Formal Epistemology, Misc, Metaphysics, Philosoph…more -
Applied Ontology, Metaphysics, Philosophy of Artificial Intelligence, Philosophy of Biology -
Philosophy of Gender, Race, and Sexuality, Social and Political Philosophy, Aesthetics, Philosophy o…more -
Epistemic Contextualism, Epistemic Contextualism and Relativism, Implicature, Taste Predicates, Expe…more -
Philosophy of Mind, Philosophy of Psychology, History of Psychology -
Metaphysics and Epistemology, Philosophy of Cognitive Science, Philosophy of Mind -
Universidad MayorTropes, Dispositional and Categorical Properties, Laws of Nature, Philosophy of Mind, Metaphysics, D…more -
CNRS & University Of BordeauxScience, Logic, and Mathematics, General Philosophy of Science, Philosophy of Biology -
Metaphysics, Logic and Philosophy of Logic, Social and Political Philosophy -
General Philosophy of Science, Philosophy of Biology, International Philosophy, Philosophy of Gender…more -
Philosophy of Mind, Philosophy of Cognitive Science, Philosophy of Neuroscience, Philosophy of Psych…more -
Philosophy of Technology, Philosophy of Education, Philosophy of Computing and Information, Philosop…more -
Political Ethics, Business Ethics and Public Policy, Value Theory -
Metaphysics, Feminist Philosophy, Philosophy of Gender, Race, and Sexuality, Social and Political Ph…more -
Philosophy of Language, Metaphysics -
Epistemology, General Philosophy of Science, Formal Epistemology, Social Epistemology, Meta-Ethics, …more -