Jörg Disse

Theologische Fakultät Fulda, Germany
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    Das Verhältnis von Kunst und Religion in der Philosophie Michel Henrys
    Cultura and Psyché: Journal of Cultural Psychology (x). forthcoming.
    The article deals with the relationship between art and religion in the philosophy of the French phenomenologist, Michel Henry. Henry develops a phi- losophy of art by interpreting Kandinsky’s theory of art on the basis of his own phenomenology of life. Art is an expression of life or subjectivity. By life or subjec- tivity, Henry means a passive self-affection of the subject on this side of intentional self-reference. According to Henry, self-affection is only possible if, in relating to himsel…Read more
  • Rezension zu Dörr, Thomas, Kritik und Übersetzung (review)
    Prima Philosophia 1 117-120. 1990.
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    Luckner, Andreas, u. Sebastian Ostritsch: Existenz. Berlin, De Gruyter 2018 (review)
    Theologische Literaturzeitung 145 (9): 840-842. 2020.
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    Connaissance négative et conscience (de) soi
    In Sebastian Hüsch (ed.), Negative Knowledge, Narr Francke. pp. 73-88. 2020.
    La connaissance négative ne se cantonne pas à la connaissance de Dieu. Partant de l’idée d’une conscience préréflexive qu’à la suite de l’école de Heidelberg je considère comme indispensable à une compréhension adéquate de la conscience humaine et dont Jean-Paul Sartre marque la particularité en l’appelant conscience (de) soi, j’affirme, en me référant à Dieter Henrich, qu’il n’y a d’accès à une telle conscience que par une connaissance négative, comme celle développée par Thomas d’Aquin dans s…Read more
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    I consider the relationship between the notion of certainty and the notion of a form of life. There are circumstances under which a feeling of certainty may become the ground for adopting a certain form of life. The forms of life I have in mind are those with a formal orientation towards the realization of the (morally) good for its own sake. The article proceeds in three steps: First I consider Luther’s certainty of salvation as a kind of inaugural (theological) reflection on what will be calle…Read more
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    The article is a response to Michael Roth´s criticism of my contention that to do the good for its own sake absolutely speaking makes only sense within the limits of a commitment to theism.
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    Zur Epistemologie des Wunders: Swinburne versus Hume
    In Ulrich L. Lehner & Ronald K. Tacelli (eds.), Wort und Wahrheit. Fragen der Erkenntnistheorie, Kohlhammer. pp. 171-191. 2019.
    The article deals with the question of the possibility of miracles opposing the theory of miracles of Richard Swinburne and David Hume.
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    Liebe und Erkenntnis. Zur Geistesmetaphysik Hans Urs von Balthasars
    Münchener Theologische Zeitschrift 3 215-227. 1999.
    Der Artikel untersucht das Verhältnis von Erkenntnis und Liebe bei Hans Urs von Balthasar. Die Liebe ist für ihn kein selbstbezogenes Streben nach dem, was man nicht besitzt, wie das Streben zur Fülle des Seins im griechischen bzw. zum Nichtsein im indischen Denken, sondern selbstlose Hingabe, etwa im Sinn eines innertrinitarischen Verschenkens des eigenen Seins, einer Herablassung Gottes zum Geschöpf in Schöpfung und Erlösung oder als ein reines Sein-für-das-Sein-des-Erkenntnis- gegenstandes im…Read more
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    Théisme et complémentarité
    Revue de Théologie Et de Philosophie 150 (2018 III): 251-265. 2018.
    The present article seeks to show, with reference to Thomas Aquinas and Richard Swinburne, that classical theism cannot reconcile the idea of divine perfection with the modern idea of a person. It then proposes a solution which consists in applying to the doctrine of God the model of complementarity which Niels Bohr first used in quantum physics in his attempt to explain (among other things) the duality between wave and particle. This model is then applied by juxtaposing the description of God a…Read more
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    Communication of Existence: Søren Kierkegaard and Gabriel Marcel
    Kierkegaard Studies Yearbook 23 (1): 311-328. 2018.
    The article compares Kierkegaard’s and Marcel’s comprehension of existence and communication of existence. With reference to the notion of existence, both authors (independently from each other) develop the idea of a second reflection that includes a theory of communication. But whereas Kierkegaard conceives communication strictly within a first person perspective, Marcel establishes a kind of second person perspective. For this reason and despite a strong common basis in their views, different …Read more
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    Despite the fact that the late Augustine's idea of eschatological accomplishment stresses the function of the body more than does the early Augustine, (partly) dependent on stoicism, it remains a purely intellectualistic conception of accomplishment.
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    W. Greve, Kierkegaards maieutische Ethik (review)
    Allgemeine Zeitschrift für Philosophie 18 (3): 89-91. 1993.
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    Metafizyka. Od Platona do Hegla
    Wydawn. WAM. 2005.
    Polish translation of "Kleine Geschichte der abendländischen Metaphysik: Von Platon bis Hegel". The history of Western metaphysics is being unfold on the basis of nine outstanding philosophers. For ancient philosophy: Plato, Aristotle and Plotinus; for medieval philosophy: Augustine, Thomas Aquinas and William of Ockham; for the modern period: Descartes, Kant and Hegel. The final chapter outlines some prominent opponents of metaphysics in the 19th/20th Century (Feuerbach, Marx, Nietzsche, Wittge…Read more
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    Das unmittelbare Selbstverhältnis bei Søren Kierkegaard
    Allgemeine Zeitschrift für Philosophie 17 (1): 17-34. 1992.
    Inquires about the existence of a prereflective self-consciousness within Kierkegaard's theory of existence
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    Die abendländische Philosophie ist von einer durchgängigen Vorherrschaft des Allgemeinen gegenüber dem Individuellen geprägt. Da Erkennen wesentlich heißt, das Partikulare als Fall des Allgemeinen zu verstehen, besteht eine Art fatale Tendenz zur Unterordnung, eine Tendenz, deren Opfer nicht nur der einzelne Mensch ist, sondern heute auch die als beliebig ersetzbares Wegwerfprodukt verstandene Natur. Am Leitfaden der Philosophie Hans Urs von Balthasar weist das Buch den Weg zu einer Metaphysik, …Read more
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    What do human beings desire? Desire is diverse, multi-layered, often contradictory, directed to the most various goals: from the satisfaction of the simplest, biologically-related needs, such as hunger, thirst, or sexuality, to elaborate forms of desire for self-realization, social recognition or religious experience. But what is the ultimate goal of desire? Is there such a goal? The book examines desire as a phenomenon in the intersection area of anthropological and psychological philosophy. It…Read more
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    Religion und das Verlangen des Menschen nach Vollkommenheit
    Neue Zeitschrift für Systematicsche Theologie Und Religionsphilosophie 52 (3): 247-267. 2010.
    The article deals with the question of whether human beings are religious by nature. The answer is based on the idea of relating religion to the structure of human desire understood as essentially a desire for absolute perfection. Religion is defined as a relation to a non-sensual reality superior to the human realm which enables human beings to find orientation in life. The relationship of religion to human desire consists in its being an expression of a natural desire for a perfection extendin…Read more
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    Klassische Metaphysik und Religion: Eine Auseinandersetzung mit dem späten Wittgenstein
    Conceptus: Zeitschrift Fur Philosophie 32 (81): 257-274. 1999.
    In his late philosophy, Wittgenstein radically dissociates religion and metaphysics. In the first part of this paper, the implicit consequences of his critique of metaphysics for his philosophy of religion are analysed. On the one hand, it appears that Wittgenstein, in contrast to Aristotelian metaphysics, has no place for any metaphysical understanding of God, on the other hand, in contrast to Plato's metaphysical epistemology, it becomes evident that for him there is no possibility of any kind…Read more
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    The Two Process Model of Cognition and Kierkegaard's Stages of Life
    E-Journal Philosophie der Psychologie 19. 2013.
    My aim is to relate Søren A. Kierkegaard’s early theory of stages as described basically in “Either-Or” to the theory of interest underlying the two process model of cognition of the Canadian psychologist Keith E. Stanovich with regard to the question of the highest formal goal we can pursue in our life. On the basis of Stanovich’s distinction between type 1 and type 2 processing and Kierkegaard’s distinction between an esthetical and an ethical stage of life, I argue for an extension of Stanovi…Read more
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    Analysis of a basic idea of Christian anthropology: that human desire is ultimately a desire of God.
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    Analysis of the significance of Plato's "tên de tou anankaiou kai agathou phusin, hoson diapherei tôi onti" (Pol. 493.c) for the thought of Simone Weil.
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    Menschliche Psyche und Gottesverhältnis: Kierkegaard versus Freud
    Theologie Und Philosophie 78 (4). 2003.
    Compares Freud's conception of religion being negative for the health of our psyche to Kierkegaard's theory of stages culminating in the necessity of a relationship to God for self-realization.
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    Espérance et individu chez Ernst Bloch
    Revue de Théologie Et de Philosophie 127 (n/a): 217-233. 1995.
    Occidental philosophy tends to subordinate the individual to the general. The mystical marxism of Ernst Bloch seems to value the individual more than does orthodox marxism. This article shows that after all Bloch falls in line with the tendency of occidental philosophy.
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    The article justifies the (augustinian or thomistic) idea of a natural desire for God through a critical analysis of Freud's understanding of culture and religion.
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    In kritischer Anlehnung an die empirischen Kognitionspsychologie von K.E. Stanovich erweist sich das menschliche Verlangen wesentlich von drei übergeordenten Interessen geprägt: ein Interesse der Gene an der Replikation ihrer selbst, ein Interesse des Individuums am eigenen Glück, und ein Interesse der Vernunft, das auf die universale Verwirklichung des Guten um seiner selbst willen gerichtet ist. Je nachdem, von welchem Interesse sich der Mensch in seinem Leben leiten lässt, verleiht es seinem …Read more
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    Analyses Balthasar's idea of human freedom as a participation to Divine Freedom.
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    Le fondement de l'espérance chez Ernst Bloch
    Freiburger Zeitschrift für Philosophie Und Theologie 34 (1-2): 185-203. 1987.