•  10
    Autonomy and Manipulated Freedom
    Noûs 34 (s14): 81-103. 2000.
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    Liberation From Self (review)
    International Philosophical Quarterly 37 (3): 370-372. 1997.
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    Practical Reflection
    Noûs 26 (1): 115-120. 1992.
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    The book contains four chapters, each dealing with a central topic to the conflict: self-determination (by Kapitan), the right of return of Palestinian refugees (by Halwani), terrorism (by Kapitan), and the one-state solution (by Halwani)
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    Let me begin with definition. Many observers have pointed out that despite the fact that for over three decades, “terrorism” has been deemed a threat to the civilized world, to democratic values, or to “our way of life,” and despite the fact that our country is now engaged in a “war on terror,” there is no universally agreed upon definition of terrorism—not even the various agencies within the U.S. Government are agreed—and, hence, there is no clarity about what we are warring against.
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    The Ontological Significance Of Variables
    Metaphysica 3 (1). 2002.
    The use of single letters in displaying patterns, functions, generalizations, and unknowns, dominates mathematical expression, and for that reason, appears in every domain of theoretical and technical discourse employing even the slightest bit of mathematical language. These variables, as they have come to be called, are the very mark of abstract power and precision, ingenious tools for expressing functionality and valid formulae and, thereby, for providing solutions to types of problems as well…Read more
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    How powerful are we?
    American Philosophical Quarterly (October) 331 (October): 331-338. 1991.
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    Vision, vector, veracity
    In Christian Strub (ed.), Blick Und Bild, Wilhelm Fink Verlag. 1998.
    To experience is to undergo a process, to be in a state of receiving input which affords information about our environment. For highly developed beings like ourselves, the inputs determining states of conscious sensory perception are among the most important for our survival. At first glance, these states seem relational, each being a situation wherein a percipient X is passively conscious of something Y--its object, subject-matter, or content--without any apparent effort. Of course, the briefes…Read more
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    Book Reviews (review)
    with Rezensiert von H. Berger, E. J. Ashworth, J. W. Van Evra, I. Grattan-Guinness, W. Veldman, Kenneth G. Ferguson, Barry Smith, H. A. Lewis, Stephen Read, Michele Malatesta, and Bob Hale
    History and Philosophy of Logic 12 (2): 241-267. 1991.
    MEDIEVAL LOGICCARLOS A. DUFOUR, Die Lehre der Proprietates Terminorum. Sinn und Referenz in mittelalterlicher Logik. München, Hamden, Wien: Philosophia, 1989. 312 pp. 148 DM.NORMAN KRETZMANN and BARBARA ENSIGN KRETZMANN The Sophismata of Richard Kilvington. Oxford: Published for the British Academy by Oxford University Press, 1990. xx + 156 pp. £27.50.LOGIC AND MATHEMATICSSOULEYMANE BACHIR DIAGNE, Boole. Paris: Editions Belin, 1989. 262pp. 75 Ffr.M.-M. TOEPELL, Über die Entstehung von David Hilb…Read more
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    Liberation From Self (review)
    International Philosophical Quarterly 37 (3): 370-372. 1997.
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    As practical beings, we act with a sense of freedom, or, to use Kant’s memorable phrase, “unter der Idee der Freiheit.” This attitude is present whenever we are deciding what to do, and it is most clearly revealed when we reflect on what we take for granted while deliberating. Consider a young man, Imad, who lives under an oppressive military occupation and deliberates about whether to join the resistance, leave the country, or continue quietly in his studies hoping that the occupation will be e…Read more
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    Books in review
    International Journal for Philosophy of Religion 7 (2): 386. 1976.
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    Agency and First-Person Reference
    Critica 44 (131): 83-101. 2012.
    En la parte I de Self-Knowing Agents, Lucy O�Brien expone una teoría de la referencia de primera persona. En lo que sigue describo su teoría y luego planteo dudas en torno a sus logros. Como no estoy seguro de haberla entendido correctamente, tal vez esté yo erigiendo y atacando un muñeco de paja; en todo caso, lo único que espero es que lo que se dice aquí sobre la primera persona sea de interés por sí mismo
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    Preface The conflict between Israeli Jews and Palestinian Arabs has endured for a century. It centers on control of territory and, as common in such disputes, is characterized by conquest, destruction, and revenge, with all the animosity and sorrow that these actions bring. Because the land in question is terra sancta to three major religions, the conflict evokes powerful passions involving identity, honor, and the propriety of cultural claims. That its disputants employ sophisticated arguments …Read more
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    After the 1970 civil war in Jordan, the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) moved its operations to Lebanon, recruiting fighters from Palestinian refugee camps. Its presence altered the balance of power among Lebanon's sects, and in 1975 the PLO was drawn into a civil war with its Lebanese allies against the Maronite community whose military strength was centered in the Phalangist militia. PLO advances against the Phalangists led to Syrian intervention in 1976 to restore the status quo.
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    Terrorism is politically motivated violence directed against noncombatants. It is no doubt as ancient as organized warfare itself, emerging as soon as one society, pitted against another in the quest for land, resources, and dominance, was moved by a desire for vengeance, or, found advantages in operations against ‘soft’ targets. While terrorist violence has been present in the conflict between Jews and Arabs over Palestine for over eighty years, the prevalence of the rhetoric of ‘terror’ to des…Read more
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    Terrorism, as a form of politically motivated violence, is as ancient as organized warfare itself, emerging as soon as one society, pitted against another in the quest for land, resources, or domination, was moved by a desire for vengeance or found advantages in military operations against noncombatants or other ‘soft’ targets. It is sanctioned and glorified in holy scriptures and has been part of the genesis of states and the expansion of empires from the inception of recorded history. The Unit…Read more
  • Perfil de Héctor-Neri Castañeda
    Revista Latinoamericana de Filosofia 16 (1): 87. 1990.
  • G. FORBES "Languages of possibility" (review)
    History and Philosophy of Logic 12 (2): 263. 1991.
  • Evaluating Religion
    Oxford Studies in Philosophy of Religion 2 (1). 2010.
  • A definition of enthymematic consequence
    International Logic Review 9 56-59. 1980.
  • Form and implication
    Logique Et Analyse 27 (5): 15. 1984.
  • How Powerful Are We?
    American Philosophical Quarterly 28 (n/a): 331. 1991.