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    Verletzbarkeit und Autonomie im Lebenslauf
    Zeitschrift für Kritische Sozialtheorie Und Philosophie 2 (2): 401-420. 2015.
    Name der Zeitschrift: Zeitschrift für kritische Sozialtheorie und Philosophie Jahrgang: 2 Heft: 2 Seiten: 401-420
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    Both the capability and the recognition approach are influential and substantial theories in social philosophy. In this contribution, we outline their main assumptions in their assessment of poverty. The two approaches are set in relation to each other, focusing mainly on (a) their moral evaluation of poverty, (b) issues of justification of their central normative claims, and (c) the role that is attributed to subjective experiences, feelings and emotions in these theories. This comparison revea…Read more
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    Capabilities and Functionings as the,,Currency of Justice" for Children
    with Gunter Graf
    Archiv Fuer Rechts Und Sozialphilosphie 103 (4): 439-455. 2017.
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    Global justice and childhood: introduction
    Journal of Global Ethics 15 (3): 193-201. 2019.
    This brief introduction frames a guest-edited collection of eleven contributed articles in the Journal of Global Ethics focused on global justice and childhood. On a general level, there is widespread consensus that there is a strong need for improvement in the lives of children around the globe. What global justice demands in this regard, however, has never been fleshed out in detail and there is only a little philosophical literature on this topic. Against this background, five aspects of the …Read more
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    Vremenska dimenzija društvenog poštovanja u tijeku života
    Prolegomena 10 (2): 239-264. 2011.
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    Health, justice and happiness during childhood
    with María del Mar Cabezas Hernández and Gunter Graf
    South African Journal of Philosophy 33 (4): 501-511. 2014.
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    Handbuch Philosophie Und Armut (edited book)
    J.B. Metzler. 2021.
    Die philosophische Forschung zu Fragen der Armut hat zuletzt auch im deutschsprachigen Raum zugenommen. Im Fokus stehen dabei zumeist Fragen der Ethik und politischen Philosophie, etwa jene danach, worin das moralische Übel der Armut besteht oder nach der individuellen, kollektiven und institutionellen Verantwortung gegenüber Menschen in Armut. Die Aktualität der Armutsfrage ist dabei unbestritten sowohl im Hinblick auf ihr globales Ausmaß und die teils verheerenden Folgen für die betroffenen Pe…Read more
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    Absolute und relative Kritik der Armut
    Zeitschrift für Philosophische Forschung 67 (2). 2013.
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    Anerkennung und Arbeitslosigkeit
    Meta: Research in Hermeneutics, Phenomenology, and Practical Philosophy 3 (2): 291-310. 2011.
    Recognition and UnemploymentThis paper aims to explore the case of unemployment from the perspective of recognition theory as it was conceived by Axel Honneth. In the first part I present a shortened form of recognition theory and afterwards, in the second part, its take on work and labor in modern societies. Finally, the third part elaborates how unemployment can be understood and evaluated from this viewpoint. I argue that unemployment itself is not a form of misrecognition and therefore not m…Read more
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    Editorial zu Band 1, Heft 1, 2014
    with Gu Graf, Martina Schmidhuber, and Michael Zichy
    Zeitschrift für Praktische Philosophie 1 (1). 2014.
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    Introduction: Ethics of Childhood
    The Journal of Ethics 27 (1): 1-5. 2023.
    This introduction provides a brief overview of the field of childhood ethics. It briefly outlines current debates about children’s autonomy and vulnerability, children’s rights, the relationship between children and parents, and (social and global) justice for children.
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    Handbuch Philosophie der Kindheit (edited book)
    J.B. Metzler. 2019.
    Was macht ein Kind zu einem Kind? Sind Kinder ihren Eltern zur Dankbarkeit verpflichtet? Ist die Schulpflicht eine legitime staatliche Vorgabe? Gibt es ein Recht darauf, Kinder zu haben? Das Handbuch liefert einen systematischen Überblick über die zentralen Konzepte und Theorien sowie die wichtigsten Diskussionsfelder der Philosophie der Kindheit. Zur Debatte stehen neben dem moralischen, rechtlichen und politischen Status von Kindern auch Fragen nach dem instrumentellen oder intrinsischen Wert…Read more
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    Toleration and the Challenges to Liberalism (edited book)
    Routledge. 2020.
    This book explores the relationship between different versions of liberalism and toleration by focusing on their shared theoretical and political challenges. Toleration is among the most pivotal and the most contested liberal values and virtues. Debates about the conceptual scope, justification, and political role of toleration are closely aligned with historical and contemporary philosophical controversies on the foundations of liberalism. The essays in this volume focus on the specific connect…Read more
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    Migration, Recognition and Critical Theory (edited book)
    Springer Verlag. 2021.
    This book brings together philosophical, social-theoretical and empirically oriented contributions on the philosophical and socio-theoretical debate on migration and integration, using the instruments of recognition as a normative and social-scientific category. Furthermore, the theoretical and practical implications of recognition theory are reflected through the case of migration. Migration movements, refugees and the associated tensions are phenomena that have become the focus of scientific, …Read more
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    The Subjective Experience of Poverty
    SATS 15 (2): 148-167. 2014.
    What significance should the subjective experiences of poor people have in a normative philosophical critique of poverty? In this paper, we take up this question and answer it by looking at two different normative theories: the capability approach of Amartya Sen and Martha Nussbaum and the recognition approach of Axel Honneth. While Sen and Nussbaum are largely quite reluctant toward the role of subjective experiences of poor people, the recognition approach views them as central for its social …Read more
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    Children are affected by poverty more often than adults, and growing up in poverty has severe and long-lasting negative consequences for a child’s well-being. How-ever, children are also in a very weak position, both to escape poverty on their own and to publicly and politically enforce their claims to a better life. Accordingly, children living in poverty are victims of two intersecting forms of powerlessness: they are children and they are poor. In this article, we analyze this particular type…Read more
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    Recognition, misrecognition and justice
    Ethics and Global Politics 12 (4): 11-20. 2019.
    My critical engagement with David Ingram’s book ‘World Crisis and Underdevelopment’ is divided into three parts. In the first part I will explore how experiences of misreognition are related to experiences of injustice. In the second part I will ask about the criteria that make experiences of non-recognition or misrecognition unjust. Finally, I will briefly discuss the ‘self-subordination social recognition paradox’.
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    Editorial zu Band 4, Heft 1, 2017
    Zeitschrift für Praktische Philosophie 4 (1). 2017.
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    Editorial zu Band 5, Heft 1, 2018
    Zeitschrift für Praktische Philosophie 5 (1): 13-14. 2018.
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    Editorial zu Band 7, Heft 2, (Juli) 2020
    with Andrea Klonschinski, Martina Schmidhuber, Mark Schweda, and Michael Zichy
    Zeitschrift für Praktische Philosophie 7 (1): 13-13. 2020.
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    Subjektivität in der philosophischen Armutsforschung
    In Helmut Gaisbauer, Kapferer P., Koch Elisabeth, Sedmak Andreas & Clemens (eds.), Armut Und Wissen. Reproduktion Und Linderung von Armut in Schule Und Wissenschaft, Vs Verlag Für Sozialwissenschaften. pp. 159--176. 2013.
    Der Status subjektiver Erfahrungen von Betroffenen für eine normative Bewertung von Armut ist unklar. Exemplarisch lassen sich zwei Richtungen unterscheiden: (a) die These, dass arme Menschen keine zuverlässigen Auskunftsgeber über das moralische Gewicht ihrer Lebenssituation sind, also dass deren Einbezug eine normative Bewertung eher erschweren oder gar verfälschen und (b) die These, dass arme Menschen besonders gut über das moralische Gewicht ihrer Lebenssituation Auskunft geben können, ja ei…Read more
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    Philosophie und Armut. Überlegungen zu ihrem Zusammenhang
    Diskurs. Gesellschafts- Und Geisteswissenschaftliche Interventionen 8 (1): 66--87. 2012.
    In this paper I explore the philosophical debate about poverty. Although there is a significant amount of philosophical research on poverty – especially on world wide and absolute poverty – there is little reflection on what philosophical poverty research could be as a distinct research agenda and also little reflection on certain questions regarding the concept and normative evaluation of poverty. Here, I explore two important questions: What is poverty, which relates to conceptual issues and t…Read more
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    Adolescence is a valuable phase of life, not just because it is the phase of learning in school and preparing for a working life. During the COVID-19 pandemic it became clear that the rights, experiences, and lifeworlds of adolescents are considered less important than the needs of school, work, and productivity. However, there is an ethical claim for people to have a good adolescence, and this means that the losses of social contact, experiences, time, and space demanded of adolescents, in orde…Read more
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    Should states prioritize child refugees?
    Ethics and Global Politics 12 (2): 46-61. 2019.
    In this paper I am interested in the question of whether and why states should prioritize child refugees over adult refugees in cases where they are not able to grant refuge to all those who are entitled to it. In particular I discuss three grounds on which such a prioritization could be based: (a) vulnerability, (b) efficiency and (c) life phase and life span. As can be shown, these grounds also apply, to some extent, to particular groups of adults such as women, the elderly, or people with spe…Read more
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    Philosophical Explorations of Justice and Taxation: National and Global Issues (edited book)
    with Helmut P. Gaisbauer and Clemens Sedmak
    Springer. 2015.
    This volume presents philosophical contributions examining questions of the grounding and justification of taxation and different types of taxes such as inheritance, wealth, consumption or income tax in relation to justice and the concept of a just society. The chapters cover the different levels at which the discussion on taxation and justice takes place: On the principal level, chapters investigate the justification and grounding of taxation as such and the role taxation plays and should play …Read more
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    Digitalisierung ist eine Schlüsseltechnologie im 21. Jahrhundert und prägt heute das private Leben und den Alltag durch Internet, Laptop, Smartphone, KI oder Soziale Medien. Das gilt insbesondere auch für zwischenmenschliche Beziehungen - zum Beispiel in Familie, Beruf, Freundschaft, Liebe, Therapie. Solche Beziehungen sind für Menschen von großer Bedeutung, sie sind wichtig für die psychische und physische Gesundheit, für Erfahrungen der Anerkennung und für ein gutes Leben - dahinter steht die …Read more
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    Axel Honneth has highlighted the importance and role of mutual recognition for the development and sustainability of personal identity. His theory to reconstruct society as the institutionalization of different forms and modes of recognition has been widely discussed but one specific aspect has been left out so far: the temporal and institutional dimension of social esteem. In this paper I argue that social esteem is not simply earned for societal valuable features and achievements but rather ga…Read more
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