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    Probabilistic Causation
    Freud Institute. 2015.
    In this paper, it is shown that an event E can be the cause of an event E* even if there is a less than 100% likelihood that, given an arbitrary E-similar event, an E*-similar event will ensue.
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    Dictionary of Analytic Philosophy
    Philosophypedia. 2019.
    Key terms of analytic philosophy defined.
  • When bad people try to be good, their supposed goodness turns out to be a mere extension of their badness and in fact compounds their badness by giving it a sheen of legitimacy.
  • Logic and Formal Truth
    Freud Institute. 2018.
    It is explained what it is for a statement to be logically true and it is thereby explained what it is for a statement to be formally true. It is also explained how logical truth differs from formal truth. Further, it is explained what a system of logic is. Finally, the nature of entailment is explained and, in particular, it is explained how formal entailment differs from analytic entailment.
  • The Psychology of the Vegan
    Freud Institute. 2018.
    Vegans self-identify as animals. So for them, consuming animal products is cannibalism, and that is why don't consume such products.
  • Why Cro-Magnon Man Went Extinct
    Freud Institute. 2018.
    Cro-Magnon Man was smarter and generally more capable than we are. So why did he go extinct? Precisely because he was so capable. Whereas members of our species are weaklings who rely on others, members of his species had it in them to be rugged individualists; and that is what they did. But then, when circumstances became too severe, they had no social support and thus went extinct.
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    The bureaucrat's intellectual configuration is identical with the psychopath's.
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    What is Depression?
    Freud Institute. 2018.
    If a person has done what he should have done, he is satisfied. If he is in the process of doing what he should do, he is happy but not content. If he is trying to do what he should do but he is being thwarted in his efforts, he is frustrated but not depressed. If, having been thwarted in his attempts to do what he should do, he resigns himself to failure, then he is depressed.
  • The term 'psychopath' is ambiguous. Sometimes it refers to people who have no integrity. And sometimes it refers to people are misanthropic but may nonetheless have integrity.
  • William James on Precursive Belief
    Freud Institute. 2018.
    Unless one has beliefs before having all of the data that would justify those beliefs, one will fail to acquire that data and, moreover, one will be a bureaucratic cripple, who cannot act because he is in a perpetual state of skepticism-induced decision-paralysis.
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    Reading-related Difficulties in People with OCD
    with John-Michael Kuczynski
    Freud Institute. 2018.
    People with OCD are generally unusually intelligent, and they tend to do well on standardized tests, especially tests of reading comprehension. But OCD often makes it extraordinarily difficult for such people to read. It is here explained why this is so and how to deal with it.
  • OCD: The Philosopher's Illness
    with John-Michael Kuczynski
    Freud Institute. 2018.
    The philosopher is an obsessive-compulsive and the obsessive-compulsive is a philosopher.
  • Selected papers on OCD, Bureaucracy, and Psychopathy. Table of Contents: What are Some Characteristics of OCD in Children? The Failure of Political Philosophy to Engage Reality OCD and Philosophy How to Get Rid of OCD What are Some Characteristics of OCD in Children? OCD: The Philosopher’s Illness The Obsessive-compulsive Must Accept his Own Sadistic Sexuality Institutional Psychopathy The Psychology of the Bureaucrat Psychopaths are Rogue Bureaucrats And Bureaucrats are Non-rogue Psyc…Read more
  • The same person who claims to be a relativist about musical beauty—who claims that all musical works are equally ‘valid’ and beautiful---adores certain musical works while detesting others. And the same person who claims to be a relativist about personal beauty—who claims that all people are beautiful, if only ‘on the inside’---finds certain people intensely attractive and finds others equally intensely repellent. And the same person who is guilty of the one hypocrisy is almost always guilty of …Read more
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    Leftism is Bureaucratism
    Freud Institute. 2018.
    The so-called ‘left’ has nothing to do with providing underprivileged groups with otherwise unavailable opportunities. The left does nothing positive for women, blacks or any other such group. And the left has no particular interest in protecting women from the supposed threat of male violence or abuse; nor does it have any particular interest in protecting blacks or latinos from the supposed threat of white violence or exploitation. The left is not the left at all; the left is not liberal. The …Read more
  • Two Kinds of Sciences
    Freud Institute. 2018.
    The sciences are typically divided into the physical and the psychological—or, what comes to the same thing, the natural and the social. This is not the right way to divide the class of sciences. The right division is between the sciences that study entropic systems and the sciences that study counter-entropic systems. Biology and psychology study counter-entropic systems. Physics studies entropic systems. The concept of a function—not in the mathematical, but in the purpose-related sense---is c…Read more
  • The Psychology of the Bureaucrat
    Freud Institute. 2018.
    A bureaucrat is somebody who has surrendered all of his decision-making responsibilities to the bureaucracy that employs him. So long as a given person’s decision-making protocol is capable of being in conflict with the bureaucracy that hosts him, that person is not a bureaucrat. And so long as that condition obtains, he can be internally conflicted, since, under that circumstance, he has two decision-making protocols, one corresponding to the bureaucracy in question and one that is his own. For…Read more
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    OCD and Philosophy
    Freud Institute. 2018.
    It is proved that the philosopher is an obsessive-compulsive and the obsessive-compulsive is a philosopher.
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    It is concisely explained what Borderline Personality Disorder is and how it differs from psychopathy.
  • How do I get over my OCD?
    with John-Michael Kuczynski
    Freud Institute. 2018.
    It is concisely explained how to conquer OCD.
  •  52
    A Non-russellian Treatment Of The Referential-attributive Distinction
    Pragmatics and Cognition 12 (2): 253-294. 2004.
    Kripke made a good case that “…the phi…“ is not semantically ambiguous between referential and attributive meanings. Russell says that “…the phi…“ is always to be analyzed attributively. Many semanticists, agreeing with Kripke that “…the phi…“ is not ambiguous, have tried to give a Russellian analysis of the referential-attributive distinction: the gross deviations between what is communicated by “…the phi..“, on the one hand, and what Russell's theory says it literally means, on the other, are …Read more
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    We may dislike or disapprove of criminals who are genuine doers, as opposed to drifters; but we do not hold them in contempt. We hold them in contempt when, and only when, they are drifters. And in almost cases, that is precisely what they are.
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    Half-belief leads to Half-action
    Philosophypedia. 2017.
    Dishonesty with oneself makes one unable to act. Honesty with oneself makes one able to act.
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    Neuroses are Encapsulated Psychoses
    Philosophypedia. 2017.
    What we call "neurosis" is psychosis about specific facts, but not about the logical instruments used to judge relations between facts. What we call "psychosis" is psychosis about both facts and the aforementioned logical instruments.
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    If more than a tiny minority of people were non-bureaucrats, civilization would not be possible.
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    Life as Counter-entropy
    Philosophypedia. 2017.
    Non-biological systems are entropic systems. Biological systems are counter-entropic systems.
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    The modern age has not given rise to any new psychopathologies. But modern social configurations have withdrawn some of the constraints that in times past inhibited the development of latent psychopathology.
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    Three Kinds of Unconsciousness
    Philosophypedia. 2017.
    Double-think is more of a threat to psychical integrity than repression.
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    Non-Declarative Sentences and the Theory of Definite Descriptions
    Principia: An International Journal of Epistemology 8 (1). 2004.
    This paper shows that Russell’s theory of descriptions gives the wrong se-mantics for definite descriptions occurring in questions and imperatives. Depending on how that theory is applied, it either assigns nonsense to per-fectly meaningful questions and assertions or it assigns meanings that di-verge from the actual semantics of such sentences, even after all pragmatic and contextual variables are allowed for. Given that Russell’s theory is wrong for questions and assertions, it must be wrong f…Read more
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    A non-Russellian treatment of the referential/attributive distinction
    Pragmatics and Cognition 12 (2): 253-294. 2004.
    Kripke made a good case that ..... the phi....,, is not semantically ambiguous between referential and attributive meanings. Russell says that .... .the phi....,, is always to be analyzed attributively. Many semanticists, agreeing with Kripke that "...the phi....,, is not ambiguous, have tried to give a Russellian analysis of the referential-attributive distinction: the gross deviations between what is communicated by "...the phi".. on the one hand, and what Russell's theory says it literally me…Read more