•  11
    Interpreting Newton: Critical Essays (review)
    Isis 104 (3): 617-618. 2013.
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    Eric Jorink and Ad Maas, eds. Newton and the Netherlands: How Isaac Newton Was Fashioned in the Dutch Republic. Leiden: Leiden University Press, 2013. Pp. 256. €39.50 (review)
    Hopos: The Journal of the International Society for the History of Philosophy of Science 4 (1): 189-192. 2014.
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    Review of" Galileo observed: Science and the politics of belief" (review)
    Annals of Science 64 (3): 430-431. 2007.
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    Whewell’s tidal researches: scientific practice and philosophical methodology
    Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 41 (1): 26-40. 2010.
    Primarily between 1833 and 1840, William Whewell attempted to accomplish what natural philosophers and scientists since at least Galileo had failed to do: to provide a systematic and broad-ranged study of the tides and to attempt to establish a general scientific theory of tidal phenomena. I document the close interaction between Whewell’s philosophy of science and his scientific practice as a tidologist. I claim that the intertwinement between Whewell’s methodology and his tidology is more fund…Read more
  • Abstraction vs. Idealization
    The Reasoner 1 (5): 9-10. 2007.
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    Newton on Action at a Distance
    Journal of the History of Philosophy 52 (4): 675-701. 2014.
    Reasoning without experience is very slippery. A man may puzzle me by arguents [sic] … but I’le beleive my ey experience ↓my eyes.↓ernan mcmullin once remarked that, although the “avowedly tentative form” of the Queries “marks them off from the rest of Newton’s published work,” they are “the most significant source, perhaps, for the most general categories of matter and action that informed his research.”2 The Queries (or Quaestiones), which Newton inserted at the very end of the third book of t…Read more
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    No abstract
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    The flow of Influence: from Newton to Locke.. and Back
    Rivista di Storia Della Filosofia 64 (2): 245-268. 2009.
    The Flow of Influence: From Newton to Locke - and Back- In this essay, the affinity between Locke’s empiricism and Newton’s natural philosophy is scrutinized. Parallels are distinguished from influences. I argue, pace G.A.J. Rogers, that Newton’s doctrine of absolute space and time influenced Locke’s Essay concerning Human Understanding from the second edition onwards. I also show that Newton used Lockean terminology in his criticism of Cartesianism. It is further argued that Locke’s endorsement…Read more
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    J. B. Van helmont's de tempore as an influence on Isaac Newton's doctrine of absolute time
    Archiv für Geschichte der Philosophie 90 (2): 216-228. 2008.
    Here, I shall argue that Van Helmont needs to be added to the list of sources on which Newton drew when formulating his doctrine of absolute time. This by no means implies that Van Helmont is the factual source of Newton's views on absolute time (I have found no clear-cut evidence in support of this claim). It is by no means my aim to debunk the importance of the other sources, but rather to broaden them. Different authors help to explain different aspects of Newton's conception of absolute time…Read more
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    Philosophica 76 (2). 2005.
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    Like many of their contemporaries Bernard Nieuwentijt and Pieter van Musschenbroek were baffled by the heterodox conclusions which Baruch Spinoza drew in the Ethics. As the full title of the Ethics—Ethica ordine geometrico demonstrata—indicates, these conclusions were purportedly demonstrated in a geometrical order, i.e. by means of pure mathematics. First, I highlight how Nieuwentijt tried to immunize Spinoza’s worrisome conclusions by insisting on the distinction between pure and mixed mathema…Read more
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    Petrus van Musschenbroek and Newton’s ‘vera stabilisque Philosophandi methodus’
    Berichte Zur Wissenschaftsgeschichte 38 (4): 279-304. 2015.
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    In this article, I seek to study Whewell as writer of philosophical doctrines by focusing on his frequent usage of the metaphor of light, which symbolized (human) knowledge. It is my primary claim that Whewell choose to visually illustrate his doctrine of Fundamental Ideas, which are the bearers of ultimate reality and meaning in Whewell's epistemology, by means some key metaphors that made reference to light.
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    An editorial history of Newton’s regulae philosophandi
    Estudios de Filosofía (Universidad de Antioquia) 51. 2015.
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    In this paper I will defend a new account of scientific representation. I will begin by looking at the benefits and drawbacks of two recent accounts on scientific representation: Hughes’ DDI account and Suárez’ inferential account. Next I use some of Galileo’s models in the Discorsi as a heuristic tool for a better account of scientific representation. Next I will present my model. The main idea of my account, which I refer to as the pragmatic model of shared characteristics (PMSC), is that a mo…Read more
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    Review of The Body of the Artisan (author: Pamela H. Smith) (review)
    British Journal for the History of Philosophy 13 (3): 361-363. 2005.
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    Towards an Ontology of Scientific Models
    Metaphysica 9 (1): 119-127. 2008.
    Scientific models occupy centre stage in scientific practice. Correspondingly, in recent literature in the philosophy of science, scientific models have been a focus of research. However, little attention has been paid so far to the ontology of scientific models. In this essay, I attempt to clarify the issues involved in formulating an informatively rich ontology of scientific models. Although no full-blown theory—containing all ontological issues involved—is provided, I make several distinction…Read more
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    In this essay, I provide a Baconian reading of Newton’s Principia. I argue that Newton scientific practice was influenced by Bacon’s methodised idea of induction. My focus will be on Newton’s argument of universal gravitation.
  •  515
    This article seeks to provide a historically well-informed analysis of an important post-Newtonian area of research in experimental physics between 1798 and 1898, namely the determination of the mean density of the earth and, by the end of the nineteenth century, the gravitational constant. Traditionally, research on these matters is seen as a case of “puzzle solving.” In this article, the author shows that such focus does not do justice to the evidential significance of eighteenth- and nineteen…Read more
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    Mathematical Models in Newton’s Principia: A New View of the “Newtonian Style”
    International Studies in the Philosophy of Science 19 (1). 2005.
    In this essay I argue against I. Bernard Cohen's influential account of Newton's methodology in the Principia: the 'Newtonian Style'. The crux of Cohen's account is the successive adaptation of 'mental constructs' through comparisons with nature. In Cohen's view there is a direct dynamic between the mental constructs and physical systems. I argue that his account is essentially hypothetical-deductive, which is at odds with Newton's rejection of the hypothetical-deductive method. An adequate acco…Read more