•  15
    In dieser Schrift begründet Dante die Priorität der Volks- und Muttersprache vor der lateinischen Gelehrtensprache und fordert eine italienische Hochsprache. Er untermauert seine Ausführungen durch eine anthropologische Erörterung der menschlichen Sprachfähigkeit. Dank einer originellen Interpretation des biblischen Mythos vom Turmbau von Babel legt er eine vernünftig begründete Neubewertung der Vielfalt und der historischen Entwicklung der Sprachen vor. Das Problem der Sprache stellt sich im De…Read more
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    Lost in Universalization? On the Difficulty of Localizing the European Intellectual
    with Justine Lacroix and Kalypso Nicolaidis
    In Cheneval, Francis (2010). Lost in Universalization? On the Difficulty of Localizing the European Intellectual. In: Lacroix, Justine; Nicolaidis, Kalypso. European Stories: Intellectual Debates on Europe in National Contexts. Oxford: Oxford University Pres, . pp. 31-49. 2010.
    European Stories is the first book of its kind in any European language. Its authors explore the many different ways 'public intellectuals' have debated Europe - the EU and its periphery - within distinct epistemological, disciplinary, ideological and above all national traditions. The chapters focus on the post-1989 era but with a view to the long history of the 'European idea' and its variants across the continent. To what extent such ideas frame the attitude of European publics is left open. …Read more
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    Dante's monarchia: aspects of its history of reception in the 14th century
    with B. Carlos Bazan, Eduardo Andujar, and Leonard G. Sbrocchi
    In Actes du IXe Congrès international de Philosophie Médiévale, Ottawa, 17-22 août, . pp. 1474-1485. 1995.
  • Zwischenstaatliche Integration als Vorbild neuer Weltordnung
    Studia Philosophica 64 179-202. 2005.
    This article proposes the political organisation of interstate integration – characterised by functional differentiation and unbundled multi-level territoriality – as a political ideal type. The theoretical foundations and empirical conditions of this new form of political organisation are explored focussing on basic security threats, such as nuclear armament, transnational terrorism, and organised crime. The empirical conditions of multilateral democratic integration are not essentially differe…Read more
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    This article argues that obligatory, simultaneous, and simple Treaty ratification by referenda is the next step in the consolidation of the political core of European citizenship. In the first part, general remarks about the special nature of EU citizenship highlight the relevance of referenda on EU Treaties for EU citizenship. In the second part, the normative and empirical case in favour of direct democracy is put forward. It is followed by the assessment of direct democracy in European integr…Read more
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    In this paper an analysis of Hobbes' argument in favor of the Leviathan is combined with a reassessment in a new security environment. The analysis shows that Hobbes' premises are complex and lead to conclusions that differ from the realist as well as from the world-state position, both attributed to Hobbesian logic in IR theory. A strict application of the Hobbesian argument in today's security context leads to a rationale of multilateral institution-building among states. In the first part of …Read more
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    Property-Owning Democracy and the Circumstances of Politics
    Analyse & Kritik 35 (1): 255-269. 2013.
    The article argues that Rawls’s property-owning democracy should not be understood as a necessary standard of democratic legitimacy. This position contradicts Rawls’s own understanding to some extent, but a rejoinder with elements of political liberalism is possible. He concedes that justice as fairness is a ‘comprehensive liberal doctrine’ and that a well ordered society affirming such a doctrine ‘contradicts reasonable pluralism’. Rawls makes clear that reasonable pluralism in combination with…Read more
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    Demoi-cracy in the European Union: Principles, Institutions, Policies
    with Sandra Lavenex and Frank Schimmelfennig
    . 2015.
    In a ‘demoi-cracy’, separate statespeoples enter into a political arrangement and jointly exercise political authority. Its proper domain is a polity of democratic states with hierarchical, majoritarian features of policy-making, especially in value-laden redistributive and coercive policy areas, but without a unified political community (demos). In its vertical dimension, demoi-cracy is based on the equality and interaction of citizens’ and statespeoples’ representatives in the making of common…Read more
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    The social construction of demoicracy in the European Union
    with Kalypso Nicolaidis
    European Journal of Political Theory 16 (2): 235-260. 2017.
    The Eurozone crisis has brought the imperative of democratic autonomy within the EU to the forefront, a concern at the core of demoicratic theory. The article seeks to move the scholarship on demoicratic theory a step further by exploring what we call the social construction of demoicratic reality. While the EU’s legal-institutional infrastructure may imperfectly approximate a demoicratic structure, we need ask to what extent the ‘bare bones’ demoicratic character of a polity can actually be gro…Read more
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    Philosophische Werke / Das Gastmahl I-IV. Ital. /Dt.: Erstes Buch
    with Dante Alighieri and Thomas Ricklin
    Meiner, F. 1996.
    Im ersten Buch des Convivio erläutert und verteidigt Dante sein Vorhaben. Es bietet den Zugang zu den nachfolgenden drei Büchern, in denen er zur inhaltlichen Vorstellung seiner Philosophie fortschreitet.