19Review of Being, Essence, and Substance in Plato and Aristotle by Paul RicoeurNotre Dame Philosophical Reviews. 2014.
45Both Ricoeur and Foucault, apparently independently of each other, dedicated much effort to provide an account of truth that goes far beyond the truth of sentences, propositions, or judgments. While well aware of the speech act theory and pragmatics, they want to go beyond a formalism of rules of speech or arguments and integrate the attitude of the one who speaks in the very notion of truth. They see truth not merely as a property of statements, but as an existential process in such a way that …Read more
30Review of Nicholas Rescher, Interpreting Philosophy: The Elements of Philosophical Hermeneutics (review)Notre Dame Philosophical Reviews 2007 (8). 2007.
10Phenomenology and literature: historical perspectives and systematic accounts (edited book)Königshausen & Neumann. 2010.
La traduction comme interprétation.: Une comparaison et quelques répercussions théoriquesExistentia 8 (1-4): 1-26. 1998.
55Rudolf Bernet, conscience et existence. Perspectives phénoménologiques , Coll. Epiméthée. Paris: Presses universitaires de France, 2004, 299 pages. Isbn 2130541674 (review)Husserl Studies 26 (1): 77-82. 2010.Rudolf Bernet, Conscience et Existence. Perspectives Phénoménologiques , Coll. Epiméthée. Paris: Presses Universitaires de France, 2004, 299 pages. ISBN 2130541674 Content Type Journal Article DOI 10.1007/s10743-009-9065-7 Authors Pol Vandevelde, Marquette University Department of Philosophy Coughlin Hall P.O. Box 1881 Milwaukee WI 53201-1881 USA Journal Husserl Studies Online ISSN 1572-8501 Print ISSN 0167-9848 Journal Volume Volume 26 Journal Issue Volume 26, Number 1
10Poetry as a Subversion of Narratives in HeidegerProceedings of the American Catholic Philosophical Association 72 239-254. 1998.
25Review of The Heidegger Dictionary by Daniel O. DahlstromNotre Dame Philosophical Reviews. 2013.
2Le pardon communautaire est-il possible?Revue de Théologie Et de Philosophie 139 (1): 65-77. 2007.Dans cette étude je poursuis deux objectifs : d�une part, je tente d�établir d�un point de vue théorique les tenants et aboutissants de la question de savoir si le pardon entre deux communautés est possible ; d�autre part, j�examine les obstacles et les dangers d�un tel pardon. En ce qui concerne le premier objectif, je fais appel à Hannah Arendt qui nous a donné dans La condition de l�homme moderne une définition du pardon que j�applique aux relations entre communautés. Afin d�examiner les prob…Read more
473Le fondement ontologique du récit selon Ricoeur : mimesis, dette et attestationStudia Phaenomenologica 13 257-272. 2013.I examine the problem of what Ricœur calls représentance, which is a stand-in narratives offer of what took place (in the case of historical narratives) or actions (in the case of the re-telling of what people did). Ricœur rejects as insufficient two naive options: first, a simple adequacy between what took place and the historical narrative about it and, second, a simple heterogeneity between them so that historical narratives would be mere “possible versions” of what took place. I explore furt…Read more
83Language as the House of Being? How to Bring Intelligibility to Heidegger While Keeping the ExcitementPhilosophy Compass 9 (4): 253-262. 2014.At the core of Heidegger's philosophy, there lies this nagging question: what is the link between language and being? Using a famous formulation by Heidegger as a guide (‘When we go to the well, when we go through the woods, we are always already going through the word “well”, through the word “woods”’), the analysis focuses on the connection Heidegger establishes between being (what woods and well ‘are’), understanding (something is understood ‘as’ woods or well), and temporality (human underst…Read more
186Le modèle de la traductibilité chez Husserl et Ricoeur: l'exemple de la littératureStudia Phaenomenologica 8 159-175. 2008.The essay is an examination of two models that have been used to think what “meaning” or “sense” is. Husserl offers the first model in which there is an exchange between the sense that is made in experience and the meaning that is articulated at the linguistic or logical level. The second model is offered by Paul Ricoeur in his theory of narratives. A narrative has a link to what took place that Ricoeur calls “représentance” or “lieutenance”: the narrative configures but at the same time does ju…Read more
Intersubjectivity and communication: A phenomenological accountAnalecta Husserliana 48 409-425. 1996.
42How Husserl’s and Searle’s Contextual Model Reformulates the Discussion About the Conceptual Content of PerceptionIn Roberto Walton, Shigeru Taguchi & Roberto Rubio (eds.), Perception, Affectivity, and Volition in Husserl’s Phenomenology, Springer. pp. 57-76. 2017.I argue that Husserl’s notion of horizon and Searle’s notion of background offer a contextual model of perception that significantly reformulates the debate about the conceptual vs. nonconceptual content of perception. I illustrate the model by using a test case: the perception of an ancient Roman milestone—an example given by Husserl—which both Husserl and Searle consider to be a direct and immediate perception without inferences involved. I further differentiate Husserl’s and Searle’s views, a…Read more
12Jean Greisch, La parole heureuse. Martin Heidegger entre les choses et les mots (review)Revue Philosophique De Louvain 85 (68): 557-563. 1987.
36Diuina Eloquia cum Legente Crescunt: Does Gregory the Great mean a subjective or an Objective or an Objective Growth?Rivista di Storia Della Filosofia 4 611-636. 2003.Diuina Eloquia cum Legente Crescunt Does Gregory the Great Mean a Subjective or an Objective Growth? - ABSTRACT: The article offers a new account of the famous statement by Gregory the Great that the text of the Bible grows with the reader. While most commentators understand this as a subjective growth of the reader enriched through reading, few give an account of the objective growth, namely, that the text itself grows. By focusing on the Homilies on Ezekiel and using at times the Morals on the…Read more
59Forgiveness in a political contextPhilosophy and Social Criticism 39 (3): 263-276. 2013.In this article I examine the challenging question concerning whether communal forgiveness is possible. In order to show that it is in principle possible I articulate and then respond to two of the most powerful objections to communal forgiveness that have been formulated to date, namely: (1) the argument that only victims can forgive; and (2) the argument that forgiveness is unconditional and thus outside the scope of such things as communal or political deliberation. I argue that communal forg…Read more
Aristote et Heidegger à propos du «logos». L'enjeu et la discursivité d'une traductionRevue de Philosophie Ancienne 9 (2): 169-198. 1991.
15El suplemento de la imaginación en la narración. O de cómo Husserl aporta un complemento a la perspectiva de RicoeurAnuario Filosófico 51 (2): 347-373. 2018.