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    Introduction: Depth Psychology and Mystical Phenomena—The Challenge of the Numinous
    with David M. Odorisio
    In Thomas Cattoi & David M. Odorisio (eds.), Depth Psychology and Mysticism, Springer Verlag. pp. 1-16. 2018.
    The essays in this volume continue in the trajectory established at the turn of the nineteenth century when the “new science” of psychology and professional interest in esoteric and “occult” phenomena converged and led to what Ellenberger refers to as the “discovery of the unconscious.” These essays span the interdisciplinary fields of theology, religious studies, and psychology “and/of/in dialogue with” religion with a specific focus on inquiries into the nature of self and consciousness, quest…Read more
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    Rescuing Alexandria: Depth Psychology and the Return of Tropological Exegesis
    In Thomas Cattoi & David M. Odorisio (eds.), Depth Psychology and Mysticism, Springer Verlag. pp. 19-35. 2018.
    The purpose of this essay is to adumbrate the contours of a depth psychological hermeneutics of the Biblical text that would rediscover the value of classical allegorical exegesis and reimagine the role of the Christian Scriptures as a resource for inner transformation and spiritual development. Depth psychology seeks to explore the archetypal motifs that underlie cognitive and behavioral processes, hoping that a conscious engagement of these motives will promote the healing of inner wounds and …Read more
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    Editors’ Introduction
    with Carol S. Anderson
    Buddhist-Christian Studies 36 (1). 2016.
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    Editors' Introduction
    with Carol S. Anderson
    Buddhist-Christian Studies 41 (1): 245-260. 2021.
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    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:The Celestial Web: Buddhism and Christianity – A Different Comparison (Das Himmlische Geflecht: Buddhismus Und Christentum: Ein Anderer Vergleich) by Perry Schmidt-LeukelThomas CattoiTHE CELESTIAL WEB: BUDDHISM AND CHRISTIANITY – A DIFFERENT COMPARISON (DAS HIMMLISCHE GEFLECHT: BUDDHISMUS UND CHRISTENTUM: EIN ANDERER VERGLEICH). By Perry Schmidt-Leukel. Gütersloher Verlagshaus: Munich, 2022. 416 pp. (German Edition) €26.I…Read more
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    Merit, Demons, and Karma: Catholic Victim Souls and the Tibetan Practice of gCod
    Buddhist-Christian Studies 42 (1): 201-215. 2022.
    Abstractabstract:The purpose of this article is to map the points of contact, as well as the irreducible differences, between the Catholic tradition of victim soul spirituality and the Tibetan practice of gcod (chod). Victim soul spirituality develops in the framework of an Anselmian theology of the atonement, where the individual practitioner offers herself as an expiatory victim to God's wrath so to appease God's justice that requires reparation for the sins of humanity. A practice that knew i…Read more
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    Editors' Introduction
    with Kristin Johnston Largen
    Buddhist-Christian Studies 42 (1): 157-171. 2022.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Editors' IntroductionThomas Cattoi and Kristin Johnston LargenIn 2018, Buddhist-Christian Studies published the proceedings of an international conference on Ippolito Desideri (1684–1733) that had been held in Pistoia in October 2017. Marking the two-hundredth anniversary of the arrival of the Tuscan Jesuit in Lhasa, the event explored from a variety of disciplinary perspectives the extraordinary contribution of a figure who effectiv…Read more
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    Editor's Introduction
    with Carol Anderson
    Buddhist-Christian Studies 40 (1). 2020.
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    The purpose of this paper is to explore the contemporary postmodern appropriation and reinvention of the practice of “crazy holiness” in Russian Orthodoxy and Tibetan Buddhism, highlighting points of contact and discontinuities between the traditions. The first section of the essay will discuss the Russian phenomenon of yurodstvo, a term used to indicate radical ascetics known for their idiosyncratic behavior and their outspoken criticism of religious and political authorities. The recent phenom…Read more
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    In Jon R. Kershner (ed.), Quakers and Mysticism: Comparative and Syncretic Approaches to Spirituality, Springer Verlag. pp. 241-248. 2019.
    In the conclusion, Thomas Cattoi offers a few considerations as to the nature and purpose of the collection, reflecting on the enduring relevance of the Quaker tradition in an increasingly multicultural and multireligious society. The first section of the chapter explores what scholars of mysticism and of Christian spirituality can learn from Quakerism’s syncretic roots and its more recent contacts with non-Christian religious traditions. The second section asks whether it is possible to talk of…Read more
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    Depth Psychology and Mysticism (edited book)
    with David M. Odorisio
    Springer Verlag. 2018.
    Since the late 19th century, when the “new science” of psychology and interest in esoteric and occult phenomena converged – leading to the “discovery” of the unconscious – the dual disciplines of depth psychology and mysticism have been wed in an often unholy union. Continuing in this tradition, and the challenges it carries, this volume includes a variety of inter-disciplinary approaches to the study of depth psychology, mysticism, and mystical experience, spanning the fields of theology, relig…Read more
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    Editors' Introduction
    with Carol S. Anderson
    Buddhist-Christian Studies 39 (1). 2019.
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    Conventional and Ultimate Truth: A Key for Fundamental Theology by Joseph O'Leary
    Buddhist-Christian Studies 39 (1): 327-331. 2019.
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    Editors' Introduction
    with Carol S. Anderson
    Buddhist-Christian Studies 38 (1): 397-401. 2018.
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    Editors' Introduction
    with Carol Anderson
    Buddhist-Christian Studies 37. 2017.
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    Buddhist-Christian Dialogue: Moving Forward
    with Carol S. Anderson
    Buddhist-Christian Studies 35 211-212. 2015.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Buddhist-Christian Dialogue:Moving ForwardThomas Cattoi (bio) and Carol S. Anderson (bio)The San Francisco Bay Area is an interesting location in which to ponder Buddhist-Christian relations. The website UrbanDharma.org lists more than a hundred institutions affiliated with Buddhist organizations—a density higher than in the Beijing metropolitan area. Some of these centers have a clearly ethnic and denominational character, serving a…Read more
  • Mystical Sensuality: Perceiving the Divine through the Human Body (edited book)
    with June McDaniel
    Palgrave-Macmillan. 2011.