931On Communication-Based D e Re Thought, Commitments D e Dicto, and Word IndividuationIn Kumiko Murasugi & Robert Stainton (eds.), Philosophy and linguistics, Westview Press. pp. 85--111. 1999.Provides an account of how necessary subjective syntactic investments on the part of speakers affect the semantic contents of their words and the possibilities for their thought-contents.
30Religious Belief and Self‐DeceptionIn Russell Blackford & Udo Schüklenk (eds.), 50 Voices of Disbelief, Wiley‐blackwell. 2009.
35Référence, contexte et attitudes Eros Corazza Collection «Analytiques», vol. 8 Montréal, Bellarmin; Paris, Vrin, 1995, 222 p (review)Dialogue 37 (1): 191-. 1998.
111Meaning and NecessityEssays in Philosophy 8 (1): 142-181. 2007.Think of this paper as an exercise in applied philosophy of language. It has both semantic and deontic concerns. More than about the meaning of ‘marriage,’ it is about how one goes about determining the meaning of social kind terms like ‘marriage’. But it is equally about the place of philosophy of language in the legislative sphere, and inter alia, about the roles and responsibilities of philosophers in public life
54L'homme et la factrice: sur la logique du genre en françaisDialogue 41 (3): 481-. 2002.I present several arguments which provide what I consider to be a definitive argument against certain forms of masculine language in their so-called sexually neutral usage. In the first part, I concentrate on the use of the word and I defend the idea that it embodies a perverse contingent a priori. In the second part, I examine how this pernicious a prioriinfects the pronominal system of French. I conclude with an undoubtedly surprising linguistic and feminist criticism of a recent decision by t…Read more
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