•  39
    The goal is to analyze the formation and content of the notion of Information Society (Joho shakai). The point is that it needs to be understood not as a technology but as part of techno-industrial system in the sense of Bertrand Gille and Gilbert Simondon
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    Fukushima : une mutation épistémico-politique
    Rue Descartes 88 (1): 48. 2016.
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    Les politiques de recherche sont incluses dans des systèmes nationaux ou régionaux de Recherche et Innovation. La compétition entre ces systèmes ne se réduit pas à la conception de Michael Porter de l''avantage compétitif'. Elle doit être comprise comme un enjeu géopolitique et la recherche d'une hégémonie compétitive. L'étude porte sur le Japon et les Etats-Unis depuis les années 1970
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    In this age of globalization, societies and people across the world are asking themselves the same questions about modernity: where are we going ?
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    L’objectif de cet article est de redéfinir l’idée de modernité en la situant dans le contexte actuel, à une époque où les sociétés industrielles sont soumises à des contraintes environnementales qui les contraignent à opérer des réformes radicales, difficiles à concevoir et à réaliser parce qu’elles les conduisent en dehors de leur modernisation historique. La modernité désigne aujourd’hui ce moment critique où un type de société atteint son terme, la limite à partir de laquelle s’engage sa déco…Read more
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    Since the 1980s, two different paradigms have reshaped industrial societies: the Neoliberal paradigm and a Research and Innovation paradigm. Both have been conceptualized and translated into strong policies with massive economic and social consequences. They provide divergent responses to the environmental transition. The Neoliberal paradigm is based on economic models and geopolitical solutions. The Research and Innovation paradigm's goal is to manage knowledge differently in order to reorient …Read more
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    Eros philosophe: discours libertins des lumières (edited book, review)
    with François Moureau
    H. Champion. 1984.
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    La nature de Jean-Jacques Rousseau
    Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 85 (4). 1980.
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    The goal is to analyze the presuppositions of cognitive sciences, to characterize and situate their argumentative models and explain the social and epistemological conjuncture: the reconstruction today of a theory of the subject as the source and ground of knowledge.
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    The objective is to analyse the cultural, social and political conditions of a decisive period of Japan’s modernity known by the slogan of “overcoming modernity” (kindai no chokoku). This slogan is the title of a colloquium, which took place in Tokyo in July 1942, eight months after Pearl Harbour, and associated influential and respected intellectuals. This colloquium and slogan signalled a deep and pervasive cultural, political and societal syndrome, conducive in the case of Japan to fascism an…Read more
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    Vers une anthropologie du Confucianisme
    In Stéphane Feuillas & Frédéric Wang (eds.), Le néo-confucianisme en Chine et dans l'Asie orientale, . pp. 18. 2010.
    Research in Anthropology developed in France by Jean-Pierre Vernant, Marcel Détienne and Philippe Descola opens the possibility to reframe the debate and research on the function of Confucianism in Chinese culture, history and society. This paper shows how Confucianism can be studied as a "mythology"
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    Creative Globalization
    Taipei, Taiwan Journal of East Asia Studies 6 (2): 163-191. 2009.
    East Asian Studies have introduced in Human and Social Sciences a self-reflective process, which is transforming them. These disciplines learn how to criticize their presuppositions and how to reach a level of abstraction beyond National Studies. The conception of the "universal" is criticized and reconstructed. This evolution opens a different perspective on the Globalization process and leads to the emergence of Global Studies.
  • What is Europe?
    with Kevin Wilson, W. J. van der Dussen, Monica Shelley, and Margaret Winck
    . 1995.
  • Eros philosophe: discours libertins des lumières (edited book)
    with François Moureau
    H. Champion. 1984.