Past events
Jonathan Dancy’s Moral PhilosophyDepartment of Philosophy, National Chung Cheng UniversityJuly 20 - 21, 2023
Which Property? Whose Capital? Property-Owning Democracy and the Socialist Alternative. 9th Braga Summer School in Political Philosophy & Public PolicyCenter for Ethics, Politics, and Society , University of Minho, PortugalJuly 3 - 5, 2018
Value, Context and Narrative in Medical Epistemology and Health Care PracticeSt Catherine's College, University of OxfordMay 3 - 4, 2016
Ethics and the Limits of Philosophy. A New Agenda for Contemporary Analytic PhilosophyFacoltà di Filosofia, Università Vita-Salute San Raffaele, MilanoSeptember 15, 2015
High on the Hog: What is Higher Order in the Higher Order Global States (HOGS) Approach to Consciousness?Centre for Philosophical Psychology, University of AntwerpOctober 7, 2013