69The Beast and the Sovereign, volume 1, by Jacques Derrida (review)European Journal of Philosophy 19 (1): 158-160. 2011.
45The HopelessPhilosophy Today 60 (4): 851-858. 2016.This paper discusses hope and hopelessness in relation to history. It does so by turning to Benjamin’s famous statement that hope exists only for the hopeless, and to Derrida’s late thoughts on solitude and the world.
29Issue theme - Process:Music. At the beginning there was an encounter, accidental or not. In Zagreb, in the early 1960's, Orson Welles was shooting parts of The Trial based on the writing of Franz Kafka. A kind of rumor, a tale, was burned into the memory of a city that at the time feverishly invested itself into modernism. Among those newly founded institutions the Zagreb Music Biennale has played a significant role. Almost four decades later, in April 2009 the Process:Music program within the 2…Read more
27Making Poverty Visible: three thesesParrhesia 4 1-10. 2008.Hannah Arendt’s studies and essays on totalitarianism revealed that in the concentration camps of the National Socialists, human life reached a limit that teaches us something about the human being. Giorgio Agamben took up this insight and developed it further in his ethics of bare life.3 Are there indications in Arendt’s work that the human being can approach the limit of human life in other contexts as well? This essay will show that poverty also constitutes such a limit, a wall at which we ex…Read more
26Detection and nudge-intervention on sensitive information in social networksLogic Journal of the IGPL 30 (6): 942-953. 2022.Detecting sensitive information considering privacy is a relevant issue on Online Social Networks (OSNs). It is often difficult for users to manage the privacy associated with their posts on social networks taking into account all the possible consequences. The aim of this work is to provide information about the sensitivity of the content of a publication when a user is going to share it in OSN. For this purpose, we developed a privacy-assistant agent that detects sensitive information. Based o…Read more
25Combining genetic algorithms and the finite element method to improve steel industrial processesJournal of Applied Logic 10 (4): 298-308. 2012.
19Visconti: Insights Into Flesh and BloodStanford University Press. 2008.Through an analysis of the works of Italian filmmaker Luchino Visconti, García Düttmann explores the insight that it is never the real but always the possible that blocks the path to change.
17Anhang I: Ein Mann zu jeder JahreszeitIn Derrida Und Ich: Das Problem der Dekonstruktion, Transcript Verlag. pp. 163-178. 2008.
17Arte fortunata-un" divertimento". Adorno," l'arte e le arti"Iride: Filosofia e Discussione Pubblica 18 (1): 157-164. 2005.
16VorbemerkungIn Derrida Und Ich: Das Problem der Dekonstruktion, Transcript Verlag. pp. 9-10. 2008.
14Hacia una antropología negativa benjaminianaAraucaria 23 (48). 2021.This paper establishes a critical relationship between the concepts of memory and experience in the writings of Walter Benjamin, as a preliminary step to expose the negative philosophy of the same author –conceived in terms of remembrance and redemption. This conceptual framework is necessary to propose a Benjaminian negative anthropology that rejects formal anthropological universality and the effort to impose a human ideal that must be achieved by all human beings.
12Filosofía de Las Prácticas Experimentales y Enseñanza de Las CienciasPraxis Filosófica 31 7-24. 2011.En este artículo se reconocen los aportes de la flosofía de las prácticas experimentales en torno al debate teoría – práctica y se destaca su infuencia en el papel del experimento en la enseñanza de las ciencias, particularmente en el uso por parte de los libros de texto, tomando como ejemplo un caso en electricidad.
11Ohne Politik [Without Politics]In Thomas Bedorf & Kurt Röttgers (eds.), Das Politische und die Politik, Suhrkamp. 2010.