•  375
    A Case of Non-Ideal Guidance: Tackling Tax Competition
    Moral Philosophy and Politics (1): 2016-10-04. 2016.
    In the global justice literature, growing attention has been given to problems particular to a globalised economy such as tax competition. Political philosophers have started to reflect on how these problems intersect with theories of global justice. This paper explores the idea according to which action-guiding principles of justice can only be formulated at such intersections. This is the starting point from which I develop a ‘non-ideal theory’ of global justice. The methodology of this theory…Read more
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    Justice in a non-ideal world: the case of climate change
    Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy 21 (4): 407-432. 2018.
    Ideal theory faces a paradox. The ‘capacity of guidance’ is an important feature of most normative theories, but ideal principles of justice are not well suited to guide action in non-ideal circumstances. This charge presses us to seek plausible avenues to connect ideal values with the non-ideal realisation of justice. The objective of this paper is to introduce an analytical framework and present a case study in support of what I call the ‘reflective integration thesis’. The thesis states that:…Read more
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    Climate justice after Paris: a normative framework
    Journal of Global Ethics 13 (3): 344-365. 2017.
    ABSTRACTThis paper puts forward a normative framework to differentiate between the climate-related responsibilities of different countries in the aftermath of the Paris Agreement. It offers reasons for applying the chief moral principles of ‘historical responsibility’ and ‘capacity’ to climate finance instead of climate change mitigation targets. This will provide a normative basis to realize the goal of climate change mitigation while allowing for developing and newly industrialized countries t…Read more
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    Pricing Carbon for Climate Justice
    Ethics, Policy and Environment 22 (2): 109-130. 2019.
    This paper focuses on one particular case that connects climate justice and climate economics. Its contribution is twofold. First, it aims at providing a sound normative foundation for carbon pricing mechanisms around the notions of a ‘right to energy’, the ‘duty not-to-harm’ and an argument for ‘restricted compensation’. Second, it identifies the normative elements from theories of climate justice that should guide the design of market-based instruments for climate change mitigation. This will …Read more
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    Book Review 'Catching capital: The ethics of tax competition' (review)
    Contemporary Political Theory 16 (2). 2017.
    In today’s globalised economy, characterised by high capital mobility but largely domestic tax policy, individuals and corporations can pick and choose between different tax regimes. In Catching Capital: The Ethics of Tax Competition, Peter Dietsch offers a commanding analysis covering the moral assessment and an institutional solution to the problem of tax competition. This book will prove useful to political philosophers and legal theorists seeking a thorough approach to global justice that pr…Read more
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    The realisation of justice in the real world requires moral principles and political action. This book offers a roadmap for these two notions to connect.
  •  9
    A Case of Non-Ideal Guidance: Tackling Tax Competition
    Moral Philosophy and Politics 4 (1): 141-171. 2017.
    In the global justice literature, growing attention has been given to problems particular to a globalised economy such as tax competition. Political philosophers have started to reflect on how these problems intersect with theories of global justice. This paper explores the idea according to which action-guiding principles of justice can only be formulated at such intersections. This is the starting point from which I develop a ‘non-ideal theory’ of global justice. The methodology of this theory…Read more