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    Sometimes I Am Fictional: Narrative and Identification
    Philosophical Papers 51 (3): 403-425. 2022.
    Most analytical philosophers consider that we cannot identify with fictional characters in a literal sense. Specifically, Carroll and Gaut argue that doing so would imply a high degree of irrationality. In this paper I stand for the claim that we can identify with fictional characters thanks to a suspension of disbelief. First, I rely on narrative theories of personal identity to propose a model of how the process of identification might happen in real life. Then, I explain how this model can be…Read more
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    We have a strong intuition that personal identity is a determinate relationship. Parfit famously challenged this intuition. In this paper I explain how narrative identity theories can face that challenge and defend that personal identity is determinate thanks to what I call the social narrativity thesis. This move will raise some concerns regarding the also strong intuition that personal identity is what matters when we care about our future existence. I address this concern to show that narrati…Read more
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    In a successful series of papers, Schroer and Schroer presented a reductionist narrative account of personal identity. They claimed that their reductionist account had advantages over traditional narrative theories. In this paper I intend to show that they were wrong. Although it is possible to defend a reductionist narrative account, the Schroers’ theory has a problem of circularity. And solving that problem will cause their theory to have much more problems than non-reductionist narrative theo…Read more
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    Thought experiments in personal identity: A dialogue with Beck, Wagner and Wilkes
    South African Journal of Philosophy 36 (4): 456-469. 2017.
    In a recent series of papers, Beck and Wagner have been arguing about the general role that thought experiments can play in the debate on personal identity, showing their disagreement about the famous criticisms that Wilkes’ launched against their use. In this article I come back to Wilkes’ criticisms to show that her position is deeply problematic. If we adopt instead the mental model account of thought experiments, we can accommodate Wilkes’ criticisms and justify the use of thought experi…Read more
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    Narrative theories of personal identity have traditionally taken literary characters as models to better understand how our identities are constituted through the narratives of our lives. However, there have been several recent criticisms of these comparisons, showing that philosophers of personal identity paid no attention to the nature of literary characters, and consequently, these philosopher’s comparisons were under-motivated. In the present article, I rely on a cognitive framework to defin…Read more
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    While the nature of fictional characters has received much attention in the last few years within analytic philosophy, most accounts fail to grasp what distinguishes fictional characters from other fictional entities. In this paper, I propose to amend this deficiency by defining fictional characterhood. I claim that fictional characters are fictional intentional systems, a thesis that I label as FIST. After introducing FIST, I compare it to some rival definitions of fictional characters found in…Read more
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    En este artículo argumento a favor de dos tesis. Primero, defiendo que las teorías narrativas de la identidad personal deben comprometerse con la intuición de que la identidad es una relación determinada. Segundo, muestro cómo las teorías narrativas pueden ser exitosas en este empeño dando cabida a la dimensión social de nuestra existencia en tanto personas. Para organizar mi exposición me centro en uno de los casos más conflictivos para las teorías de la identidad personal: los casos de duplica…Read more
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    Problemas y aciertos de la teoría del Yo narrativo de Dennett: aportaciones al debate sobre la identidad personal
    Logos. Anales Del Seminario de Metafísica [Universidad Complutense de Madrid, España] 46 (n/a): 27-45. 2013.
    This article presents a critical assesment of Dennett’s narrative self theory as a personal identity theory. First it is contextualized in regard to the debate on personal identity in the decade of 1980, then Dennett’s theory is presented in the light of Strawson’s analysis of Narrativity, the criticisms received by Dennett’s theory and by narrative theories in general are put in relationship, and finally it is shown how Dennett’s theory could help the actual supporters of narrative identity the…Read more
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    La intuición de que uno sólo puede ser responsable de sus propios actos es extraordinariamente fuerte y parece establecer un vínculo entre la identidad personal y la responsabilidad moral. Las teorías neo-lockeanas de la identidad personal obtienen parte de su atractivo por su capacidad para dar cuenta de dicho vínculo. En este artículo analizo cómo el problema de la duplicación para las teorías neo-lockeanas afecta a su capacidad para dar cuenta del vínculo entre la identidad personal y la resp…Read more
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    Los experimentos mentales como género literario en el debate sobre identidad personal
    Daimon: Revista Internacional de Filosofía 77 89-104. 2019.
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    Los viajes de Gulliver, de Jonathan Swift, es una de las obras más conocidas de la literatura universal. Sin embargo su recepción actual, al menos en España, se produce sobre todo a través de adaptaciones en las que no se puede apreciar la profundidad de la obra literaria original. En este estudio se pretende profundizar en el análisis de Los viajes de Gulliver a través de una comparación con Don Quijote en lo que al uso de sus recursos paródicos se refiere: mientras Don Quijote parodia los libr…Read more
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    Identidades enredadas en el tejido del tiempo: La metáfora futurista de Wong Kar-Wai
    Contrastes: Revista Internacional de Filosofía 18 (1). 2013.
    RESUMENEl cine de Wong Kar-Wai es, principalmente, un cine sobre el tiempo. El director chino explora en sus películas la relación del sujeto con la temporalidad en la que se encuentra, mostrando el complejo entramado que une el pasado, el presente y el futuro en una tela que, al igual que la de Penélope, se teje tanto como se desteje. Quizá el mejor exponente de esta situación sea esa suerte de trilogía formada por Días salvajes (1990), Deseando amar (2000) y 2046 (2004), unida no por su argume…Read more
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    Narrativism, Reductionism and Four-Dimensionalism
    Ágora Papeles de Filosofía 40 (2): 63-86. 2021.
    In a successful series of papers, Schroer and Schroer presented a reductionist narrative account of personal identity (R. Schroer, 2013; J. W. Schroer & Schroer, 2014). They claimed that their reductionist account had advantages over traditional narrative theories. In this paper I intend to show that they were wrong. Although it is possible to defend a reductionist narrative account, the Schroers’ theory has a problem of circularity. And solving that problem will cause their theory to have much …Read more
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    El aspecto humano de la exploración espacial
    Arbor 200 (811): 2723. 2024.