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    We determine the strictly positive fragment \(\textsf{QPL}^+(\textsf{HA})\) of the quantified provability logic \(\textsf{QPL}(\textsf{HA})\) of Heyting Arithmetic. We show that \(\textsf{QPL}^+(\textsf{HA})\) is decidable and that it coincides with \(\textsf{QPL}^+(\textsf{PA})\), which is the strictly positive fragment of the quantified provability logic of of Peano Arithmetic. This positively resolves a previous conjecture of the authors described in [ 14 ]. On our way to proving these result…Read more
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    Ruínas futuristas do Cinema Brasileiro Contempor'neo
    Logos: Comuniação e Univerisdade 27 (3). 2021.
    Parte do cinema brasileiro pensado e elaborado nos anos 2010 produziu gestos sintomáticos da corrida desenvolvimentista e imobiliária em grandes cidades brasileiras a partir de leituras temporais não-lineares. A partir de uma constelação de imagens acionadas por um grupo de cinco filmes, este artigo busca aproximar sequências a partir de três conceitos temporais distintos: a perspectiva ecobiótica andina de tempo, o tempo espiralar em rituais do Congado e o tempo Exu. Com eles, é possível perceb…Read more
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    Inseparable from your own life
    Common Knowledge 21 (1): 5-8. 2015.
    In this guest column, the author argues against Wittgenstein's aphorism that the human body is the best picture of the human soul. Such a picture, she shows, would have to include all that a person is, in some sense, inseparable from. Drawing from Plato's analogy between city and soul, and from Socrates's description of a luxurious city, this piece argues that what we are inseparable from are mostly things and persons that our body can go on without. To the extent that such things and persons, a…Read more
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    O universo dos sons nas artes plásticas
    Edições Colibri. 2007.