•  15
    Filozofija na djelu: Rasprave i ogledi iz praktične filozofije (review)
    Croatian Journal of Philosophy 2 (1): 113-116. 2002.
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    Classical Philosophy (review)
    Croatian Journal of Philosophy 6 (1): 149-153. 2006.
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    Epikur o svojstvima
    In Nasljeđe antike: ogledi u spomen Maji Hudoletnjak-Grgić, . 2013.
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    Istinitost Epikurovih opažaja: The Truthfulness of Epicurus’ Perceptions
    Filozofska Istrazivanja 27 (4): 843-853. 2007.
    Prema Epikurovoj epistemologiji svi su opažaji istiniti. Ta teza podrazumijeva da naša osjetila nikada ne griješe, te da nam opažaji uvijek daju točne izvještaje o vanjskom svijetu. Iako se na prvi pogled čini vrlo neuvjerljivom, podrobnija analiza Epikurovih tekstova pokazuje da je ona potkrijepljena zanimljivim argumentima. Pokazuje se da je jasna motivacija Epikura za obranu te teze leži u prihvaćanju radikalnog empirizma i težnji da izbjegne skeptičke opasnosti u koje je zapao Demokrit. Nada…Read more
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    Epicurus on the Origin and Formation of Preconceptions
    Croatian Journal of Philosophy 12 (2): 239-256. 2012.
    The paper deals with one of the key notions in Epicurean epistemology, preconception. Together with perceptions, preconceptions are the second criterion of truth. The aim of the paper is to explore their epistemological status on the basis of their origin and formation. I argue that the process of formation of preconception is purely empirical, since they are produced through repeated perceptions of individual instances of a particular type of thing. Given the way they are formed, I claim that p…Read more
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    Epicurean Perceptual Content
    Prolegomena 14 (2). 2015.
    Epicurean epistemology is usually summarised in a controversial thesis according to which all perceptions are true. Although it seems very problematic and counterintuitive, careful investigation of the main sources shows us that Epicurus ’ claim for the truth of perceptions is not so hasty but is supported with some serious arguments. In the paper, I examine the thesis according to which “all perceptions are true”, but my main focus is to analyse the content of Epicurean perception through the f…Read more
  • Cristopher Shields, Classical Philosophy: A Contemporary Introduction
    Croatian Journal of Philosophy 16 149-153. 2006.
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    Tim Crane on the Internalism–Externalism Debate
    Croatian Journal of Philosophy 11 (11): 207-218. 2004.
    The subject of this paper is the debate between externalism and internalism about mental content presented by Tim Crane in Chapter 4 of his book Elements of Mind. Crane’s sympathies in this debate are with internalism. The paper attempts to show that Crane’s argumentation is not refuting the Twin Earth argument and externalism, and that in its basis it does not differ much from externalism itself Crane’s version of the argument for externalism features two key premises: (1) The content of a thou…Read more