•  4
    Caracteres da experiência
    Phainomenon 2 (1): 5-36. 2001.
    The discrimination between two points of view, or perspectives, in respect to consciousness, one on the first-person other on the third-person, deals with two concepts of consciousness- respectively, phenomenal consciousness and intentional consciousness (sections 1 and 2). I will accept, generally, this idea. However, I will argue that are not two, but three kinds of consciousness and typ of experience, making my point introducing the concept of different characters of experience (section 3). T…Read more
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    Nota Prévia
    with Pedro Alves, Joaquim Carlos Araújo, Maria João Ceitil, António Fazeres, Isabel Matos Dias, Nuno Melim, Luísa Nogueira, and João Ribeiro
    Phainomenon 3 (1): 5-6. 2001.
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    O Soi sartriano - ou da infelicidade da consciência
    Phainomenon 4 (1): 21-36. 2002.
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    Sartre e o Inconsciente
    Phainomenon 12 (1): 39-51. 2006.
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    Uma abordagem husserliana ao problema da referência
    Phainomenon 14 (1): 93-114. 2007.
    No último quartel do Séc. XX, instalou-se na Filosofia da Linguagem um vivo debate entre duas teorias acerca da referência, a teoria descritivista, formulada por Bertrand Russell e com raízes na filosofia de Frege, e, a desafiar esta, a teoria causal da referência, sob o impulso de Putnam e de Kripke. Há, por outro lado, importantes estudos do pensamento de Husserl, centrados sobretudo em Ideias I, que dão conta da possibilidade de uma sua leitura fregeana. O intuito desta comunicação reside, pr…Read more
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    Historically, phenomenology started to face the phenomenon of intersubjectivity as an objection to its own transcendental aspiration to constitute apodicticity. In fact, since Husserl’s very influential Fifth Cartesian Meditation, the risk of solipsism threatened the possibilities of a genuine phenomenology of the other. This problem ‘s discussion was continued by all of the most significant phenomenologists, such as Max Scheler, Sartre, Merleau-Ponty, Marc Richir, Ricœur, Lévinas, and others, a…Read more
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    Contemporary societies are regulated by a complex system, which tends to be exhaustive, supported by growing social and technical interdependence. This system is composed of subsystems: global economic production, liberal political institutions and a social organization based on labour. As a whole, these three dimensions – political, economical, social – tend to compress contemporary life forms into a single way of life, primarily structured by systemic functionality. Although it admits variatio…Read more
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    Social democracy based on welfare and the redistribution of social contributions is failing. The accumulation of wealth and the increase in inequalities are the two faces of Janus that social democracy has not been able to contain over the recent decades. In this context, it matters to discuss John Rawls’s influential difference principle. According to the maximin criterion put forth by Rawls, it does not suffice that no one becomes worse off; those who are worse off must also become better off …Read more
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    Uma abordagem husserliana ao problema da referência
    Investigaciones Fenomenológicas 6 117-143. 2008.
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    Percepção, tempo de percepção, percepção de tempo
    Arbor 185 (736): 245-254. 2009.
  • Experiência E sentido
    Philosophica 25 215-218. 2005.