5Deweyan Experiences and the Aesthetics of RememberingInternational Journal of Philosophical Studies 1-21. forthcoming.My goal in this paper is to argue that some cases of autobiographical remembering can be, and sometimes are, experienced aesthetically. Building on a Deweyan approach to the nature of aesthetic experiences, I show how Dewey conceived of aesthetic experiences as having a cumulative and progressive structure—I call experiences with such structure Deweyan experiences—and how that structure is replicated in some cases of autobiographical remembering in virtue of their having narrative structure. I a…Read more
Mental time travel and the philosophy of memoryFilosofia Unisinos 19 (1). 2018.The idea that episodic memory is a form of mental time travel has played an important role in the development of memory research in the last couple of decades. Despite its growing importance in psychology, philosophers have only begun to develop an interest in philosophical questions pertaining to the relationship between memory and mental time travel. Thus, this paper proposes a more systematic discussion of the relationship between memory and mental time travel from the point of view of philos…Read more
4Evolução, Funcionalismo e IntencionalidadeInquietude 3 (1): 10-29. 2012.O problema da intencionalidade em filosofia da mente diz respeito ao modo pelo qual a mente humana e de outros animais estão relacionadas ao mundo, o que exige uma análise cuidadosa por parte de um projeto filosófico que pretenda explicar de forma satisfatória este tópico. John Searle, em Minds, Brains and Programs, oferece uma crítica contundente às tentativas de se explicar a intencionalidade e a atribuição de significado aos estados mentais a partir da perspectiva funcionalista a qual ele cla…Read more
309Pragmatic Realism: Towards a Reconciliation of Enactivism and RealismPhenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences. forthcoming.This paper addresses some apparent philosophical tensions between realism and enactivism by means of Charles Peirce’s pragmatism. Enactivism’s Mind-Life Continuity thesis has been taken to commit it to some form of anti-realist ‘world-construction’ which has been considered controversial. Accordingly, a new realist enactivism is proposed by Zahidi (Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences 13(3), 2014), drawing on Ian Hacking’s ‘entity realism’, which places subjects in worlds comprised of the th…Read more
260Debates Contemporâneos em Filosofia da Memória: Uma Breve IntroduçãoLampião. forthcoming.Neste artigo apresentamos, de forma concisa e em português, alguns elementos-chave dos principais debates contemporâneos na filosofia da memória. Nosso principal objetivo é tornar essas discussões mais acessíveis aos leitores de língua portuguesa, fornecendo uma atualização importante para esforços anteriores (Sant’Anna & Michaelian, 2019a). Começamos introduzindo a noção de viagem no tempo mental, a qual estabelece a base empírica para a metodologia empregada em trabalhos recentes, antes de apr…Read more
495Is remembering constructive imagining?Synthese 202 (5): 1-28. 2023.The (dis)continuism debate—the debate over whether remembering is a form of imagining—is a prominent one in contemporary philosophy of memory. In recent work, Langland-Hassan (2021) has argued that this debate is best understood as a dispute over whether remembering is a form of constructive imagining. In this paper, I argue that remembering is not a form of constructive imagining because constructive processes in remembering and imagining are constrained, and hence controlled, in different ways…Read more
347Autonoesis and episodicity: Perspectives from philosophy of memoryWIREs Cognitive Science. 2023.The idea that episodic memory is distinguished from semantic memory by the fact that it involves autonoetic consciousness, initially introduced by Tulving, has been influential not only in psychology but also in philosophy, where a variety of approaches to autonoesis and to its relationship to episodicity have been developed. This article provides a critical review of the available philosophical approaches. Distinguishing among representational, metacognitive, and epistemic accounts of autonoesi…Read more
336Metacognition and the puzzle of alethic memoryPhilosophy and the Mind Sciences 5. 2024.Alethism is the view that successful remembering only requires an accurate representation of a past event. It opposes the truth-and-authenticity view, according to which successful remembering requires both an accurate representation of a past event and an accurate representation of a past experience of that event. Alethism is able to handle problematic cases faced by the truth-and-authenticity view, but it faces an important challenge of its own: If successful remembering only requires accurate…Read more
43The role of selection in functional explanationsManuscrito 37 (2): 227-267. 2014.In this essay I will argue that natural selection is more important to functional explanations than what has been thought in some of the literature in philosophy of biology. I start by giving a brief overview of the two paradigms cases of functional explanations: etiological functions and causal-role functions. i then consider one particular attempt to conciliate both perspectives given by David Buller. Buller's trial to conciliate both etiological functions and causal-role functions results in …Read more
49Cryptomnesia: a three-factor accountSynthese 201 (1): 1-24. 2023.Understood as a psychological phenomenon, there has been very little discussion of cryptomnesia in the philosophical literature. Cryptomnesia presents us with a strange phenomenon in which we take ourselves to be imagining, but the thought or idea that we entertain actually involves remembered content. In this paper, we argue for a three-factor account of cryptomnesia, according to which it is a mnemonic phenomenon that involves imagination. We provide an account of both the ‘mnemonic’ and ‘imag…Read more
46Déjà vécu is not déjà vu: An ability viewPhilosophical Psychology. forthcoming.This paper tackles the issue of the diversity of déjà experiences. According to the standard view in the neuropsychological literature, they should all be defined by means of a psychological criterion, by which they are experiences triggered by a perceived item and consist of a conscious clash between a first-order feeling of familiarity about the item and a second-order evaluation that assesses the first-order feeling as erroneous. This paper dismisses the standard view and contends there are t…Read more
425Reviving the naïve realist approach to memoryPhilosophy and the Mind Sciences 3. 2022.The viability of a naïve realist theory of memory was a lively debate for philosophers of mind in the first half of the twentieth century. More recently, though, naïve realism has been largely abandoned as a non-starter in the memory literature, with representationalism being the standard view held by philosophers of memory. But rather than being carefully argued, the dismissal of naïve realism is an assumption that sits at the back of much recent theorizing in the philosophy of memory. In this …Read more
91Episodic memory and the feeling of pastness: from intentionalism to metacognitionSynthese 200 (2): 1-26. 2022.In recent years, there has been an increasing interest among philosophers of memory in the questions of how to characterize and to account for the temporal phenomenology of episodic memory. One prominent suggestion has been that episodic memory involves a feeling of pastness, the elaboration of which has given rise to two main approaches. On the intentionalist approach, the feeling of pastness is explained in terms of what episodic memory represents. In particular, Fernández has argued that it c…Read more
54Current Controversies in Philosophy of Memory (edited book)Current Controversies in Philosophy. 2022.The 12 chapters cover 6 questions: I. What is the relationship between memory and imagination? II. Do memory traces have content? III. What is the nature of mnemonic confabulation? IV. What is the function of episodic memory? V. Do non-human animals have episodic memory? VI. Does episodic memory give us knowledge of the past?
38Mnemonic causation, construction, and the particularity of episodic memoryAufklärung 8. 2021.The idea that episodic memory is memory of particulars is prominent in philosophy. The particularity of remembering, as I will call it, has been taken for granted in most recent theorizing on the subject. This is because the classical causal theory of memory, which has been extremely influential in philosophy, is said to provide a straightforward account of particularity. But the causal theory has been criticized recently, in particular due to its inability to make sense of the constructive char…Read more
54From authenticism to alethism: Against McCarroll on observer memoryPhenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences 21 (4): 835-856. 2022.In opposition to the natural view that observer perspective memory is bound to be inauthentic, McCarroll argues for the surprising conclusion that memories in which the subject sees himself in the remembered scene are, in many cases, true to the subject’s original experience of the scene. By means of a careful reconstruction of his argument, this paper shows that McCarroll does not succeed in establishing his conclusion. It shows, in fact, that we ought to come to the opposed conclusion that, wh…Read more
69Attitudes and the (dis)continuity between memory and imaginationEstudios de Filosofía (Universidad de Antioquia) 64 73-93. 2021.The current dispute between causalists and simulationists in philosophy of memory has led to opposing attempts to characterize the relationship between memory and imagination. In a recent overview of this debate, Perrin and Michaelian have suggested that the dispute over the continuity between memory and imagination boils down to the question of whether a causal connection to a past event is necessary for remembering. By developing an argument based on an analogy to perception, I argue that this…Read more
704Does Macbeth See a Dagger? An Empirical Argument for the Existence-Neutrality of SeeingErkenntnis 89 (2): 641-664. 2024.In a recent paper, Justin D’Ambrosio (2020) has offered an empirical argument in support of a negative solution to the puzzle of Macbeth’s dagger—namely, the question of whether, in the famous scene from Shakespeare’s play, Macbeth sees a dagger in front of him. D’Ambrosio’s strategy consists in showing that “seeing” is not an existence-neutral verb; that is, that the way it is used in ordinary language is not neutral with respect to whether its complement exists. In this paper, we offer an empi…Read more
633The phenomenology of remembering is an epistemic feelingFrontiers in Psychology. forthcoming.This paper aims to provide a psychologically-informed philosophical account of the phenomenology of episodic remembering. The literature on epistemic or metacognitive feelings has grown considerably in recent years, and there are persuasive reasons, both conceptual and empirical, in favour of the view that the phenomenology of remembering—autonoetic consciousness, as Tulving influentially referred to it, or the feeling of pastness, as we will refer to it here—is an epistemic feeling, but few phi…Read more
67Editorial: Memory as Mental Time TravelReview of Philosophy and Psychology 11 (2): 223-232. 2020.Originally understood as memory for the “what”, the “when”, and the “where” of experienced past events, episodic memory has, in recent years, been redefined as a form of past-oriented mental time travel. Following a brief review of empirical research on memory as mental time travel, this introduction provides an overview of the contributions to the special issue, which explore the theoretical implications of that research.
1054Unsuccessful Remembering: A Challenge for the Relational View of MemoryErkenntnis 87 (4): 1539-1562. 2020.This paper explores the relationship between a prominent version of the relational view of memory and recent work on forms of unsuccessful remembering or memory errors. I argue that unsuccessful remembering poses an important challenge for the relational view. Unsuccessful remembering can be divided into two kinds: misremembering and confabulating. I discuss each of these cases in light of a recent relational account, according to which remembering is characterized by an experiential relation to…Read more
27Teorias sobre o lembrar: causalismo, simulacionismo e funcionalismoVoluntas: Revista Internacional de Filosofia 10 (3): 8. 2019.O que é o lembrar? Quando podemos dizer que um sujeito lembra um evento do passado? Essas são duas questões centrais na filosofia da memória, uma área que vem experimentando uma rápida expansão nos últimos anos. Por quase meio século, a teoria causal da memória, inicialmente proposta por Martin e Deutscher, dominou o debate sobre como devemos responder às duas questões iniciais. Mais recentemente, no entanto, a teoria causal se tornou alvo de duras críticas, o que motivou os filósofos da memória…Read more
1427Memory without content? Radical enactivism and (post)causal theories of memorySynthese 198 (Suppl 1): 307-335. 2019.Radical enactivism, an increasingly influential approach to cognition in general, has recently been applied to memory in particular, with Hutto and Peeters New directions in the philosophy of memory, Routledge, New York, 2018) providing the first systematic discussion of the implications of the approach for mainstream philosophical theories of memory. Hutto and Peeters argue that radical enactivism, which entails a conception of memory traces as contentless, is fundamentally at odds with current…Read more
1071Continuities and discontinuities between imagination and memory: The view from philosophyIn Anna Abraham (ed.), The Cambridge Handbook of the Imagination, Cambridge University Press. 2020.
76Perception and Memory: Beyond Representationalism and RelationalismDissertation, University of Otago. 2018.This thesis is a collection of five self-standing articles dealing with different issues relating to representationalism and relationalism in contemporary philosophy of perception and contemporary philosophy of memory. The main goal is to motivate a hybrid approach, where insights from representationalism and relationalism are reconciled, to current debates in both domains. The thesis is divided in two parts. Part I, which deals with perception, starts by seeking alternative relational views of …Read more
57Episodic Memory as a Propositional Attitude: A Critical PerspectiveFrontiers in Psychology 9 370748. 2018.The questions of whether episodic memory is a propositional attitude, and of whether it has propositional content, are central to discussions about how memory represents the world, what mental states should count as memories, and what kind of beings are capable of remembering. Despite its importance to such topics, these questions have not been addressed explicitly in the recent literature in philosophy of memory. In one of the very few pieces dealing with the topic, Fernández (2006) provides a …Read more
1054Thinking About Events: A Pragmatist Account of the Objects of Episodic Hypothetical ThoughtReview of Philosophy and Psychology 10 (1): 187-217. 2019.The debate over the objects of episodic memory has for some time been stalled, with few alternatives to familiar forms of direct and indirect realism being advanced. This paper moves the debate forward by building on insights from the recent psychological literature on memory as a form of episodic hypothetical thought (or mental time travel) and the recent philosophical literature on relationalist and representationalist approaches to perception. The former suggests that an adequate account of t…Read more
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