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    ‘Placebos’ and the logic of placebo comparison
    Biology and Philosophy 27 (3): 419-432. 2012.
    Robin Nunn has argued that we should stop using the terms ‘placebo’ and ‘placebo effect’. I argue in support of Nunn’s position by considering the logic of why we perform placebo comparisons. Like all comparisons, placebo comparison is just a case of comparing one thing with another, but it is a mistake, I argue, to think of placebo comparison as a case where something is compared to ‘a placebo’. Rather, placebo comparison should be understood as a situation which sets-up the treatment and contr…Read more
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    The ECOUTER methodology for stakeholder engagement in translational research
    with Madeleine J. Murtagh, Joel T. Minion, Rebecca C. Wilson, Mwenza Blell, Cynthia Ochieng, Barnaby Murtagh, Stephanie Roberts, Oliver W. Butters, and Paul R. Burton
    BMC Medical Ethics 18 (1): 24. 2017.
    Because no single person or group holds knowledge about all aspects of research, mechanisms are needed to support knowledge exchange and engagement. Expertise in the research setting necessarily includes scientific and methodological expertise, but also expertise gained through the experience of participating in research and/or being a recipient of research outcomes. Engagement is, by its nature, reciprocal and relational: the process of engaging research participants, patients, citizens and oth…Read more
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    In 2009, the UK House of Commons Science and Technology Committee conducted an ‘evidence check’ on homeopathy to evaluate evidence for its effectiveness. In common with the wider literature critical of homeopathy, the STC report seems to endorse many of the strong claims that are made about its implausibility. In contrast with the critical literature, however, the STC report explicitly does not place any weight on implausibility in its evaluation. I use the contrasting positions of the STC and t…Read more
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    Biobank Economics and the “Commercialization Problem”
    with Clara Dallaire-Fortier and Madeleine J. Murtagh
    Spontaneous Generations 7 (1): 69-80. 2013.
    The economic aspects of biobanking are intertwined with the social and scientific aspects. We describe two problems that structure the discussion about the economics of biobanking and which illustrate this intertwining. First, there is a ‘sustainability problem’ about how to maintain biobanks in the long term. Second, and representing a partial response to the first problem, there is a ‘commercialisation problem’ about how to deal with the voluntary altruistic relationship between participants a…Read more
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    Experiences of diagnosis and treatment among people with multiple sclerosis
    with Rhiannon G. Edwards and Julie H. Barlow
    Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 14 (3): 460-464. 2008.