My Survey Responses

Survey Prompt Response
A priori knowledge Accept: yes
Abstract objects Accept: nominalism
Aesthetic value Lean towards: subjective
Aim of philosophy Accept: understanding
Analytic-synthetic distinction Insufficiently familiar with the issue
Continuum hypothesis Skipped
Eating animals and animal products Accept: omnivorism (yes and yes)
Epistemic justification Insufficiently familiar with the issue
Experience machine Insufficiently familiar with the issue
Extended mind Accept: no
External world Accept: skepticism
Footbridge Insufficiently familiar with the issue
Free will Accept: compatibilism
Gender Accept: biological
God Accept: atheism
Hume Lean towards: skeptic
Knowledge Accept an alternative view: Both are important
Knowledge claims Insufficiently familiar with the issue
Laws of nature The question is too unclear to answer
Logic Lean towards: non-classical
Meaning of life Lean towards: objective
Mental content Lean towards: internalism
Meta-ethics Insufficiently familiar with the issue
Metaontology Insufficiently familiar with the issue
Metaphilosophy Accept: naturalism
Method in history of philosophy Lean towards: analytic/rational reconstruction
Method in political philosophy Insufficiently familiar with the issue
Mind Accept an alternative view: Emergence
Moral judgment Accept: cognitivism
Moral motivation Insufficiently familiar with the issue
Newcomb's problem Insufficiently familiar with the issue
Normative ethics Insufficiently familiar with the issue
Ought implies can Insufficiently familiar with the issue
Perceptual experience Accept: sense-datum theory
Personal identity Accept: biological view
Philosophical methods The question is too unclear to answer
Philosophical progress Lean towards: none
Plato Lean towards: knowledge only of forms
Political philosophy Lean towards: libertarianism
Possible worlds Insufficiently familiar with the issue
Proper names Insufficiently familiar with the issue
Race Insufficiently familiar with the issue
Science Accept: scientific realism
Teletransporter Insufficiently familiar with the issue
Time Insufficiently familiar with the issue
Trolley problem Insufficiently familiar with the issue
Truth Lean towards: epistemic
Units of selection The question is too unclear to answer
Vagueness Insufficiently familiar with the issue
Values in science Lean towards: necessarily value-laden
Zombies Accept: metaphysically possible