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    Increased expression of neutrophil-related genes in patients with early sepsis-induced ARDS
    with K. N. Kangelaris, K. D. Liu, B. Aouizerat, P. G. Woodruff, D. J. Erle, A. Rogers, E. J. Seeley, J. Chu, T. Liu, T. Osterberg-Deiss, H. Zhuo, M. A. Matthay, and C. S. Calfee
    © 2015 the American Physiological Society. The early sequence of events leading to the development of the acute respiratory distress syndrome in patients with sepsis remains inadequately understood. The purpose of this study was to identify changes in gene expression early in the course of illness, when mechanisms of injury may provide the most relevant treatment and prognostic targets. We collected whole blood RNA in critically ill patients admitted from the Emergency Department to the intensiv…Read more
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    © 2015 by the Shock Society.Lung ischemia-reperfusion complicates numerous clinical processes, such as cardiac arrest, transplantation, and major trauma. These conditions generate sterile inflammation, which can cause or worsen acute lung injury. We previously reported that lung and systemic inflammation in a mouse model of ventilated lung IR depends on Toll-like receptor 4 signaling and the presence of alveolar macrophages. Here, we tested the hypothesis that the intestinal microbiome has a rol…Read more