105Aiming and IntendingCanadian Journal of Philosophy 30 (4): 581-595. 2000.Does it matter morally whether a bomber who kills civilians in a raid intends to do so as a means to weakening the enemy or merely foresees he will do so in his attempt to destroy a munitions factory? Does it matter morally whether a nurse who gives a terminally ill patient a lethal dose of painkiller intends to do so as a means to ending the patient's life or merely foresees she will do so in her attempt to alleviate the patient's pain? Those who answer affirmatively rest moral weight on the no…Read more
35Actors without intentions: The double phenomena view (review)Philosophical Studies 103 (2). 2001.
4Feldman, R., 61 Glanzberg, M., 217 Glymour, B., 271 Lycan, WG, 35 Predelli, S., 145Philosophical Studies 103 (343). 2001.
Intending, Foreseeing and the Doctrine of Double EffectDissertation, Massachusetts Institute of Technology. 1995.We typically assume that there is a difference between foreseeing an effect of one's voluntary action and intending the effect. Call the view that there is such a difference 'the Ordinary View'. My dissertation is a defense of the Ordinary View against two recent challenges. ;The first challenge to the Ordinary View I call "Holism". The upshot of the holist's position is that we intend all the foreseen effects of our voluntary actions. I begin by considering and arguing against a couple of diffe…Read more
Hanover, New Hampshire, United States of America
Areas of Interest
Philosophy of Action |
Philosophy of Mind |
Applied Ethics |
Normative Ethics |