8Socinianism and Tacitism: tracing the path to secular thought in early modern religious and political discourseHistory of European Ideas. forthcoming.This study delves into the unexplored intersection of Socinianism, a religious movement challenging Christian orthodoxy in the Early Modern period, and Tacitism, a political discourse inspired by Tacitus. Both fostered critical thinking, intertwining in nuanced ways. Socinianism’s theological skepticism questioned established beliefs, while Tacitism scrutinized historical and political accounts. Their controversial nature resulted in covert existence among elite intellectuals, shaping socio-poli…Read more
102Arystoksenos z Tarentu, Elementy rymtuArchiwum Historii Filozofii I Myśli Społecznej 61 347-356. 2016.Aristoxenus's "Elements of Rhythm" stands as the earliest extant scientific treatise on rhythm, with only the second book enduring to our present day, albeit in an incomplete state. Demonstrating his allegiance to Aristotle, Aristoxenus employs Aristotelian concepts and investigative methods throughout his work. Notably, he introduces a conceptual division between the substance of rhythm (rhythmizomenon) and its rhythmic structure (rhythmos). Drawing parallels to Aristotle's temporal theory, Ari…Read more
The Aristoxenian Soul as HarmonyArchiwum Historii Filozofii I Myśli Społecznej 61 287-295. 2016.This article aims to reconstruct the Aristoxenian theory of the soul that survived our times through synoptic remarks of Cicero and Lactantius. In these fragments, it is clearly stated that Aristoxenus believed the soul is harmony. This vision echoes an old concept mentioned in the Platonic dialogue 'Phaedo' that the soul is like harmony in the musical instrument and-consequently-mortal. However, it can be shown that the Aristoxenian theory of the soul is distinct from the Platonic exposition. T…Read more
19Podział kanonuArgument: Biannual Philosophical Journal 11 (2): 509-524. 2021.The Euclidean ‘Division of the canon’ and Pythagorean harmonics: The article presents the first Polish translation of a short Ancient Greek treatise entitled The division of the canon, which is commonly dated to the 3rd century BC, with a doubtful assumption that the author of the treatise is Euclid himself. It is the oldest surviving text derived from the mathematical school of harmonics, which combined the mathematical theory of proportion with the musical laws of harmony. The main purpose of …Read more
187Koncepcja harmoniki Arystoksenosa z TarentuArchiwum Historii Filozofii I Myśli Społecznej 64 45-56. 2019.In his treatise "Elementa harmonica," Aristoxenus of Tarentum formulated a distinctive philosophical framework within the realm of sound exploration, deviating from the harmonics theory advanced by the Pythagoreans. A pivotal disparity lies in the methodological approach to research. Aristoxenus posited meticulous observation of acoustic phenomena as the foundational step in all inquiries, constituting a fundamental criterion for truth. He asserted that perception alone could authenticate the fi…Read more
Polish Academy of SciencesAssistant Professor
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