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    Die Abschaffung des ‚Thäters‘ und die Grammatik des bloßen Tuns
    In Martin A. Ruehl & Corinna Schubert (eds.), Nietzsches Perspektiven des Politischen, De Gruyter. pp. 331-342. 2022.
    In On the Genealogy of Morality, Nietzsche seems to consider the “doer” qua subject (Thäter) an erroneous and superfluous category. I argue that Nietzsche understands “Thäter” in the moral-legal sense of perpetrator or culprit, rather than in the abstract, philosophical sense of subject or agent. Whereas moralistic and legalistic interpretations of the subject hardly conceal a desire to weaken some agent’s resolve to act, a concept of doing stripped of the “doer” as wrongdoer or evildoer could i…Read more
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    Friedrich Nietzsche stresses early on in Human, All Too Human I that an historical sense can do a great deal to help undo the burden of responsibility for one’s being, inasmuch as every ‘deed’ and ‘doing’ is shown thereby to be overdetermined and thus not really in one’s hands after all (cf. Nietzsche, HH-2 I 17, 39, 70, 105-107, etc. etc.).Throughout Being and Nothingness - if most succinctly and forcefully in a relatively short subsection - Jean-Paul Sartre argues just the reverse, namely that…Read more