•  65
    Text and Context: Quran and Contemporary Challenges is a compilation of Arif Mohammed Khan s thought-provoking articles published in various newspapers and magazines. It is a comprehensive understanding of the Message and Spirit of Quran and Prophetic Tra
  •  53
    A set of measures to quantify the dynamicity of longitudinal social networks
    with Shahadat Uddin and Mahendra Piraveenan
    Complexity 21 (6): 309-320. 2016.
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    Bri Vs. B3W: A Rivalry for Economic Hegemony: An Archival Research
    with Shah Nawaz Khan
    Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities 61 (1): 31-44. 2022.
    _The Belt and Road initiative was announced in 2013 under the administration of China’s President, Xi Jinping. It was designed to fulfill the aim of interconnecting Asia, Europe, and Africa through reliable connectivity networks. In reaction to it, the 47 th summit of G7 in June 2021 has given a response to this Chinese Initiative with the idea of Build Back Better World (B3W). G7 tried to show that the world can have an alternative to BRI. The main objective of the study was to compare the feas…Read more
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    Resonant tunnelling lifetime in the semiconductor superlattice
    with P. K. Mahapatra, S. P. Bhattacharya, and S. Noor Mohammad
    Philosophical Magazine 84 (6): 547-563. 2004.
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    Bri vs. b3w: A rivalry for economic hegemony: An archival research
    with Nawaz Khan
    Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities 61 (1): 31-44. 2022.
    The Belt and Road initiative was announced in 2013 under the administration of China’s President, Xi Jinping. It was designed to fulfill the aim of interconnecting Asia, Europe, and Africa through reliable connectivity networks. In reaction to it, the 47th summit of G7 in June 2021 has given a response to this Chinese Initiative with the idea of Build Back Better World. G7 tried to show that the world can have an alternative to BRI. The main objective of the study is to compare the feasibility o…Read more