•  1154
    This study considers Newman’s sermon—“On the Nature of the Future Promise”—which he preached on 4 September 1825 at St. Clement’s Church, Oxford—likely with his mother and sisters present in the congregation; in addition to treating Newman’s style of preaching and Evangelical theology, this sermon’s theological and pastoral dimensions are also examined
  •  12
    A Sermon of John Henry Newman at St. Clement’s
    Newman Studies Journal 10 (2): 74-87. 2013.
    This study considers Newman’s sermon—“On the Nature of the Future Promise”—which he preached on 4 September 1825 at St. Clement’s Church, Oxford—likely with his mother and sisters present in the congregation; in addition to treating Newman’s style of preaching and Evangelical theology, this sermon’s theological and pastoral dimensions are also examined.
  • Un inventario di libri del sec. XIV
    Annali Della Facoltà di Lettere E Filosofia: Università degli Studi di Bari 42 151-172. 1999.