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    The aim of this article is to frame Adorno’s concept of ‘nonidentity’ in the context of German idealism, namely, the philosophies of Kant and Hegel. The thesis to be defended is that “Secularization of Metaphysics” entails relinquishing, as well as prolongation of the German idealist tradition. The argument is developed in the following steps: 1) the constitution of an autonomous transcendental subject is shown to be rooted in the idea of Enlightenment; 2) by reconstructing Adorno’s conception o…Read more
  • Jaunimo konkurencijos darbo rinkoje galimybės
    with L. Okunevičiūtė-neverauskienė
    Filosofija. Sociologija 12 (4). 2001.
  • Ilgalaikio nedarbo problema Lietuvoje
    with L. Okunevičiūtė-neverauskienė
    Filosofija. Sociologija 14 (1). 2003.