1448This is a short academic book based on Shakespeare’s Macbeth (original). The approach and procedure on writing critical answers of the play is authored on advanced thoughts of the Council for Indian School (XI and XII, ISC). This book can also be used by college students on preliminary understanding to analyse this Shakespearian play as The Prologue of Evil. .....In the play, Hecate is presented as a separate character from three witches who first appear in Act 1, Scene 1. Hecate's role is prim…Read more
236Illusion verses Reality : Based on Reverie , A Collection of Poems _ Google Scholar24 by 7 Publishing. 2021.The book is written on purpose of Indian Academy for higher classes on English and British Literature. As personally found being a teacher that majority of students are incapable on setting and developing an answer on context of the chapter. It is hurt to say the sweetness of Classic Literature is exactly not teaching properly at Indian Academy on English and British Stories. Students , concerning at my place on context of the aforesaid book, only are gulping in India the matter rather to unders…Read more
270The Book That Touched Millions: The Immortal Fly _Google ScholarPartridge International In Association with Penguin Random House. 2019.This book shows, "Nothing is permanent in this World" consisting of true events in span of life when matches with Classical Literature of reality against illusions..
311It is believed to me 'Teaching is also learning'. So do on self-development across Creativity based on Syllabus of Class IX and X of ICSE Board, I go on with my students.
235"Rather than bookish, it is much enjoyable to create and evaluate something from own centralizing the facts and thoughts of the contents only pervaded in the book.
1429The poem, has also highlighted the theme of isolation. The Darkling Thrush is the symbol of perseverance. Men at times is all by himself. There is none around. The frail, gaunt, aged , weather-beaten bird has stood against all odds. There is an air of self doubt and the poet is in a dilemma how to welcome the advent of a new era. It has endured all the odds of time and is happy today singing its joyful song.
1050The Immortal Fly: Eternal Whispers _ Google ScholarPartridge International In Association with Penguin Random House. 2019.THE IMMORTAL FLY: ETERNAL WHISPERS. WHO IS SHE? Author: Rituparna Ray Chaudhuri. Hello, Recently my book named, ‘The Immortal Fly: Eternal Whispers : Based On True Events of a Family' been published from Partridge (USA) In Association with Penguin Random House (UK) and achieved a separate Google identity. As being # the author of …Read more
2828Realization (Documents Based on Self-Scholarly Effects with Google Scholar Citations.): William Shakespeare, Rabindranath Tagore and John Keats: on Selected Works of the Legends _ Google ScholarPartridge India An Imprint In Association to Penguin Random House. 2018.This is my first book from Partridge International In Association with Penguin Random House in 2018. I wanted to enrich self through my creativity on selected topics as far as a Google Scholar.
7599Shakespeare's Hamlet: The Way I Visioned_Google ScholarShakespeare's Hamlet: The Way I Visioned.. forthcoming.A complete self analysis on portrait of different dimensions through human characters in the society still...
634"Then to this earthen Bowl did I adjourn My Lip the secret Well of Life to learn: And Lip to Lip it murmur'd-"While you live Drink!-for once dead you never shall return." " [http://philpapers.org/profile/112741]
5834"But he that filches from me my good name Robs me of that which not enriches him, And makes me poor indeed." (Othello) ( http://philpapers.org/profile/112741 )
970"My boat was moored beside an old bathing 'ghat' of the river, almost in ruins. The sun had set,"...https://youtu.be/VAhd2GNf1js. (http://philpapers.org/profile/112741).
559Its oft I had been asked by students and many of others of the given topic. What I personally felt be its answer, referring obviously standard books, I answered my seekers including also analyzing myself many times just twelve lines of the opening scene, which is in fact, later I thought, is containing a very ‘partial fulfillment’ of the conversation among the witches- perhaps that figures out the destiny of a mortal being, destiny of our tragic hero, full of “profound- mature -complexity of hum…Read more
2905"ON DEMAND OF A PUBLISHING HOUSE IN GERMANY, I WAS ASKED TO WRITE ON SCIENTIFIC METHODS THAT I HAD imbibed ON WRITING THE DOCUMENT" [Thanks to accept my work Christopher Marlowe's Edward The Second from Presidency College,Kolkata of interest to international audience]
420"Let you see, whether it can help you- on topic of discussion..I cannot claim I am right, but I can suggest you.." LET PEOPLE DECIDE ON THE LANGUAGE, ON TOPIC OF DISCUSSION. ( http://philpapers.org/profile/112741 ).
41"The theory of Darwin was improved upon by Lamarck. He laid down the principle that living organisms change because they want to. Lamarck , while making this statement, actually, introduced the Element of Mind in the universe. He observed that every cell or unit of life has a will, a purpose, a design and a hope. In other words, he came to the conclusion that everything has a soul. In this regard, there was a sort of conflict between the believers in Darwinian-ism and Lamarck-ism. Shaw support…Read more
1493“Three poets in three distant ages born Greece, Italy and England did adorn; The first in loftiness of thought surpassed. The second in majesty; in both the last.” (http://philpapers.org/profile/112741)
604“Marlowe wrote Edward The Second in 1590. He found a suitable tragic theme in the Holinshed’s account of Edward II’s reign though it was not a promising dramatic material from the chronological point of view as the events were disjointed and uninspiring disastrous. Improper coordinates of the sources has left its mark on Marlowe’s play, nevertheless, this is his most finished and satisfactory of plays…Edward The Second can surely be regarded as Marlowe’s finest technical achievement.” (Edited, D…Read more
1377To read Literature by Generation today in majority, is not to pass on the subject only, rather more than this know what 'you' are learning.. ( http://philpapers.org/profile/112741 )
9936“What is it that agitates you, my dear Victor? What is it you fear?” “The monster now becomes more vengeful. He murders Victor’s friend Henry Clerval and his wife Elizabeth on the night of her wedding to Victor, and Victor sets out in pursuit of the friend across the icy Artic regions. The monster is always ahead of him, leaving tell tale marks behind and tantalizing his creator. Victor meets with his death in the pursuit of the monster he had created with a noble objective.” [ http://phil…Read more
22(http://philpapers.org/profile/112741 )[http://www.academia.edu/7765592 ] :"When Shakespeare was writing 'The Merchant of Venice', most people believed that the sun went round the earth. They were taught that this was a divinely ordered scheme of things, and that -in England- God had instituted a Church and ordained a Monarchy for the right government of the land and the populace. 'The past is a foreign country; they do things differently there.'- L.P.Hartley. ".
468( http://philpapers.org/profile/112741 )"Let generation know to procure the love, the concept, knowledge and ideas with thoughts they are acquiring on versatile English Language, instead of making themselves to be felt dealing with only burden." I too realize, "Literature is not merely going through a book, It is the moment of definition of per feeling that : I am acquiring through an imagery."
328"Men have died from time to time, and worms have eaten them, but not for love."Satyajit Ray Wikipedia The Free Encyclopedia 2015
1721"Romanticism, when attains a fullness of complexity..there occurs of the supernatural unique". http://philpapers.org/profile/112741
3479[ https://plus.google.com/108060242686103906748/posts/cwvdB6mK3J6 ]"As Literature germinates within me, my words are-“Literature is something, that I need to be acclaimed for, I need to know more...it’s my life that has given me birth, my way of thoughts that I am visualizing in the perspective of all dimensions, my frailties, my faults...my every comprehensive discussion even after my death, my spiritualism, my haunting towards the ecology of the cosmic world, and the way that I have brought up…Read more
88"Who can tell us more about a man's character than his wife? Shakespeare allows Lady Macbeth to explain her husband's character as she understands it, and although she cannot see the "whole" truth, she tells us a great deal about Macbeth...." http://philpapers.org/profile/112741
1941The Way I Upheld 'Macbeth'.. 2015.'When Macbeth comes from the murder of Duncan, his hands are covered in King's blood; he looks at them, and feels that all the waters in the ocean cannot wash away the blood, but that- "this my hand will rather The multitudinous seas incarnadine, Making the green one red.,"... (http://philpapers.org/profile/112741 )
39(http://philpapers.org/profile/112741 ) [https://plus.google.com/108060242686103906748/posts/cwvdB6mK3J6 ] "Let generation know to procure the love, the concept, knowledge and ideas with thoughts they are acquiring on versatile English Language, instead of making themselves to be felt dealing with only burden." -/- I too realize, -/- "Literature is not merely going through a book, It is the moment of definition of per feeling that : I am acquiring through an imagery.".
2586[ https://plus.google.com/108060242686103906748/posts/cwvdB6mK3J6 ] The phenomenal description on own thoughts regard me to describe Coleridge, along with William Wordsworth, was instrumental in initiating a poetic revolution in the early nineteenth century which is known as the Romantic Movement. Coleridge invokes the Divine Spirit that blows upon the wild Harp of Time. Time is like the stringed musical instrument on which the Spirit produces sweet harmonious melodies. Coleridge is perhaps best…Read more
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