• The point of departure for this dissertation is an enquiry into the relationship of theoretical and practical reason in Kant. This enquiry confirms that Kant's statement that reason always remains one and the same, differing only in its employment. This is to say, there is an essential structural identity between theoretical and practical reason in Kant. Furthermore, this conception of reason is held to be paradigmatic for all of modern thought. ;This conception of reason, namely, that it is one…Read more
  • Radical behaviorism abides, maintaining its influence in spite of numerous critiques which have clearly demonstrated its failings and contradictions, especially in terms of its fundamental commitment to antimentalism. The question then arises: "Given these devastating criticisms, why and from whence does radical behaviorism derive its recognition and support as a continuing influence within North American Psychology?" ;The present analysis begins by understanding Skinner's antimentalism as denyi…Read more