•  9
    How Better to Register the Agency of Things
    Sociology of Power 35 (2): 156-196. 2023.
  • Gabriel Tarde and the End of the Social
    Sociology of Power 31 (2): 217-239. 2019.
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    Comment redistribuer le Grand Partage?
    Revue de Synthèse 104 (110): 203-236. 1983.
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    Eine seltsame Form von Autonomie
    Zeitschrift für Medien- Und Kulturforschung 2 (2): 114-141. 2011.
    The text describes the specific mode of existence and operation of Law, which is not determined by external social factors, nor is its autonomy that of a subsystem. Its deliberate super ciality achieves a particular form of cohesion: Its form of enunciation connects utterances and actions in such a way that they can be assigned unambiguously to a single speaker and actor. This is the undisrupted thread which binds men, goods, locations, time, resolutions, etc.
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    Une envie de transmettre, d'expliquer. De s'expliquer aussi. Sur la cohérence d'une pensée que l'apparente dispersion et variété des sujets qu'il a abordés avait, en partie, masquée. Bruno Latour s'est livré à cette série d'entretiens avec une simplicité, une jubilation et une puissance qui n'adviennent que dans les moments où l'on sait que la vie, et notamment celle de l'esprit, se condense. Un apaisement lié au sentiment d'urgence, une immanence indissociable de l'imminence et de l…Read more
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    La Pensee Metisse: Croyance Africaine Et Rationalite Occidentale En Question (edited book)
    with Robin Horton, Gérald Berthoud, Edgar Ascher, Paulin Hountondji, Jacques Grinevald, Pierre-Yves Jacopin, Corinne Chaponnière, Aline Helg, and Laurent Monnier
    Puf. 1990.
  •  11
    Rejoicing: or The Torments of Religious Speech
    with Julie Rose
    Polity Press Ltd. 2013.
    Bruno Latour’s long term project is to compare the felicity and infelicity conditions of the different values dearest to the heart of those who have ‘never been modern’. According to him, this is the only way to develop an anthropology of the Moderns. After his work on science, on technology and, more recently, on law, this book explores the truth conditions of religious speech acts.Even though there is no question that religion is one of the values that has been intensely cherished in the cours…Read more
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    Biography of an inquiry: On a book about modes of existence
    Social Studies of Science 43 (2): 287-301. 2013.
    Since the project on Modes of Existence has been long in coming and has connection with all the successive field works done by the author, the paper tries to retrace the main steps that have led to the project. It shows that this project precedes the work done in actor-network theory and explains the link between philosophy and anthropology through the peculiar notion of mode of existence.
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    Chapter Thirty-Nine Waiting for Gaia
    In Giovanni Aloi & Susan McHugh (eds.), Posthumanism in art and science: a reader, Columbia University Press. pp. 229-234. 2021.
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    James Lovelock n'a pas eu de chance avec l'hypothèse Gaïa. En nommant par ce vieux mythe grec le système fragile et complexe par lequel les phénomènes vivants modifient la Terre, on a cru qu'il parlait d'un organisme unique, d'un thermostat géant, voire d'une Providence divine. Rien n'était plus éloigné de sa tentative. Gaïa n'est pas le Globe, n'est pas la Terre-Mère, n'est pas une déesse païenne, mais elle n'est pas non plus la Nature, telle qu'on l'imagine depuis le XVIIe siècle, cette Nature…Read more
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    Reset modernity! (edited book)
    with Christophe Leclercq
    MIT Press. 2016.
    Let's touch base -- Relocalizing the global -- Without the world or within -- Sharing responsibility: farewell to the sublime -- From lands to disputed territories -- Innovation not hype -- Secular at last -- In search of a diplomatic middle ground -- Appendix.
  • The emergence of modern sciences in the seventeenth century profoundly renewed our understanding of Nature. For the last three centuries new ideas of Nature have been continuously developed by theology, politics, economics, and science, especially the sciences of the material world. The situation is even more unstable today, now that we have entered an ecological mutation of unprecedented scale. Some call it the Anthropocene, but it is best described as a new climatic regime. And a new regime it…Read more
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    Politiques de Gaïa
    with Dominiq Jenvrey and Ariel Kyrou
    Multitudes 4 75-83. 2021.
    Dans cet entretien mené par Dominiq Jenvrey et Ariel Kyrou, Bruno Latour revient sur son rapport à Gaïa, sur les voisinages, les mérites et les problèmes associés à cette référence. Cela lui permet de se positionner à la fois historiquement et conceptuellement à l’égard de nombreuses pensées contemporaines de l’Anthropocène.
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    Comment combler le fossé apparemment infranchissable séparant la science (chargée de comprendre la nature) et la politique (chargée de régler la vie sociale), séparation dont les conséquences - affaires du sang, de l'amiante, de la vache folle... - deviennent de plus en plus catastrophiques? L'écologie politique a prétendu apporter une réponse à ce défi. Mais après de fracassants débuts, elle peine à renouveler la vie publique... Dans ce livre qui fait suite à Nous n'avons jamais été modernes (L…Read more
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    Making Things Public: Atmospheres of Democracy (edited book)
    with Peter Weibel
    Mit Press (Ma). 2005.
    Another monumental ZKM publication, redefining politics as a concern for things around which the fluid and expansive constituency of the public gathers; with contributions by more than 100 writers and artists.
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    To become aware of the depth of the ecological mutation, one has to criticize the notion of abstract space. It turns out that, in many of his works, Carl Schmitt has found ways to politicize the production of neutral depoliticized space. This is especially true in “Dialogue on New Space.” The dialogue summarizes Schmitt’s earlier works, but it also tries to relate, audaciously, the character of being human with the different conceptions of space entertained by each protagonist of the dialogue. E…Read more
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    Is This a Dress Rehearsal?
    Critical Inquiry 47 (S2). 2021.
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    Conflicts of Planetary Proportion – A Conversation
    Journal of the Philosophy of History 14 (3): 419-454. 2020.
    The introduction of the long-term history of the Earth into the preoccupations of historians has triggered a crisis because it has become impossible to keep the “planet” as one single entity outside of history properly understood. As soon as the planetary intruded into history, it became impossible to keep it as one naturalized background. By problematizing the planetary, Dipesh Chakrabarty has forced philosophers, historians and anthropologists to extend pluralism to the very ground on which hi…Read more
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    Science, Technology and Human Values 18 (3): 384-388. 1993.
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    The Impact of Science Studies on Political Philosophy
    Science, Technology and Human Values 16 (1): 3-19. 1991.
    The development of science studies has an important message for political theory. This message has not yet been fully articulated. It seems that the science studies field is often considered as the extension of politics to science. In reality, case studies show that it is a redefinition of politics that we are witnessing in the laboratories. To the political representatives should be added the scientific representatives. Thanks to a book by Steven Shapin and Simon Schaffer, it is possible to rec…Read more
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    An unexpected journey: A few lessons from sciences Po médialab's experience
    with Axel Meunier, Mathieu Jacomy, and Tommaso Venturini
    Big Data and Society 4 (2). 2017.
    In this article, we present a few lessons we learnt in the establishment of the Sciences Po médialab. As an interdisciplinary laboratory associating social scientists, code developers and information designers, the médialab is not one of a kind. In the last years, several of such initiatives have been established around the world to harness the potential of digital technologies for the study of collective life. If we narrate this particular story, it is because, having lived it from the inside, …Read more
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    „Dajcie mi rewolwer, a poruszę wszystkie budynki”. Architektura z punktu widzenia Teorii Aktora-Sieci
    with Albena Yaneva
    Avant: Trends in Interdisciplinary Studies 9 (3): 15-24. 2018.
    Nasz problem z budynkami to dokładne przeciwieństwo problemu, z którym zmagał się Etienne Jules Marey, przeprowadzając swoje słynne badanie fizjologii ruchu. Przy pomocy wynalezionego przez siebie „fotorewolweru” chciał on uchwycić lot mewy w taki sposób, żeby móc zobaczyć każdą stopklatkę płynnego ruchu, którego mechanizm wymykał się obserwatorom aż do momentu pojawienia się tego właśnie wynalazku. My potrzebujemy czegoś przeciwnego, problem z budynkami polega bowiem na tym, że wydają się one d…Read more
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    Poznání a vizualizace aneb jak myslet očima a rukama
    Teorie Vědy / Theory of Science 30 (2): 33-90. 2008.
    Bruno Latour’s article challenges the preconceived notions with which the scholars have approached the Great Divide between prescientific and scientific cultures. In order to account for the immense eff ects of science and technology without assuming a single grand cause for them, he suggests to focus on many, small unexpected and practical sets of skills to produce images, and to read and write about them. However, only those changes that intervene favorably in the agonistic situation in scienc…Read more
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    Do Scientific Objects Have a History?
    Common Knowledge 25 (1-3): 126-142. 2019.
    Latour in this essay criticizes and abandons the approach to science studies—in which the object of study is presumed to be inert and passively circulating amid networks of practices, institutions, authorities, and historical events — that he took in “The ‘Pédofil’ of Boa Vista,” an article published in the spring 1995 issue of Common Knowledge. Here he argues that Whitehead’s neglected text Process and Reality offers the possibility of a radical historical realism that puts the scientific objec…Read more
  •  48
    A Conversation with Bruno Latour and Nikolaj Schultz: Reassembling the Geo-Social
    with Jakob Valentin Stein Pedersen and Nikolaj Schultz
    Theory, Culture and Society 36 (7-8): 215-230. 2019.
    Including empirical examples and theoretical clarifications on many of the analytical issues raised in his recently published Down to Earth, this conversation with Bruno Latour and his collaborator, Danish sociologist Nikolaj Schultz, offers key insights into Latour’s recent and ongoing work. Revolving around questions on political ecology and social theory in our ‘New Climatic Regime’, Latour argues that in order to have politics you need a land and you need a people. This interview present ref…Read more
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    Dewey's Critical Pragmatism
    with Alison Kadlec, Peter Weibel, and Robert B. Talisse
    Political Theory 37 (3): 423-431. 2009.
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    Eine seltsame Form von Autonomie
    Zeitschrift für Medien- Und Kulturforschung 2 (2): 113-140. 2011.
    Dieser Text beschreibt die besondere Existenzweise und Operationalität des Rechts, das nicht von externen sozialen Faktoren determiniert wird, dessen Autonomie aber auch nicht die eines Subsystems ist. Was es in seiner absichtsvollen Oberflächlichkeit leisten kann, ist eine besondere Form der Verbindung: Seine Enunziationsform verknüpft alle Äußerungen und Handlungen so, dass sie eindeutig einem Sprechenden und Handelnden zugeordnet werden können: Dies ist der ununterbrochene Faden, mit dem es M…Read more
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    Den Kühen ihre Farbe zurückgeben
    Zeitschrift für Medien- Und Kulturforschung 4 (2): 83-100. 2013.
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    The Enlightenment without the Critique: A Word on Michel Serres' Philosophy
    Royal Institute of Philosophy Lecture Series 21 83-97. 1987.
    The French, it is well known, love revolutions, political, scientific or philosophical. There is nothing they like more than a radical upheaval of the past, an upheaval so complete that a new tabula rasa is levelled, on which a new history can be built. None of our Prime Ministers starts his mandate without promising to write on a new blank page or to furnish a complete change in values and even, for some, in life. Each researcher would think of him or herself as a failure, if he or she did not …Read more
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    Extending the Domain of Freedom, or Why Gaia Is So Hard to Understand
    with Timothy M. Lenton
    Critical Inquiry 45 (3): 659-680. 2019.