César Frederico dos Santos

Federal University of Maranhão
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    The field of numerical cognition provides a fairly clear picture of the processes through which we learn basic arithmetical facts. This scientific picture, however, is rarely taken as providing a response to a much‐debated philosophical question, namely, the question of how we obtain number knowledge, since numbers are usually thought to be abstract entities located outside of space and time. In this paper, I take the scientific evidence on how we learn arithmetic as providing a response to the …Read more
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    No Discurso sobre as Ciências e as Artes, seu primeiro discurso, Rousseau defende a polêmica tese de que o progresso das ciências e das artes, contrariamente ao que pretendia o Iluminismo, estava contribuindo mais para a degeneração dos costumes e da sociedade do que para seu aperfeiçoamento. O Primeiro Discurso foi escrito em 1749, há quase 300 anos. Nesse período, a ciência e a nossa compreensão sobre ela mudaram profundamente. Mais importante, nesse período surgiu da ciência algo imprevisto p…Read more
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    Numerosities are not ersatz numbers
    Behavioral and Brain Sciences 44. 2021.
    In describing numerosity as “a kind of ersatz number,” Clarke and Beck fail to consider a familiar and compelling definition of numerosity, which conceptualizes numerosity as the cognitive counterpart of the mathematical concept of cardinality; numerosity is the magnitude, whereas number is a scale through which numerosity/cardinality is measured. We argue that these distinctions should be considered.
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    No Discurso sobre as Ciências e as Artes, seu primeiro discurso, Rousseau defende a polêmica tese de que o progresso das ciências e das artes, contrariamente ao que pretendia o Iluminismo, estava contribuindo mais para a degeneração dos costumes e da sociedade do que para seu aperfeiçoamento. O Primeiro Discurso foi escrito em 1749, há quase 300 anos. Nesse período, a ciência e a nossa compreensão sobre ela mudaram profundamente. Mais importante, nesse período surgiu da ciência algo imprevisto p…Read more
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    In 1939, the influential psychophysicist S. S. Stevens proposed definitional distinctions between the terms ‘number,’ ‘numerosity,’ and ‘numerousness.’ Although the definitions he proposed were adopted by syeveral psychophysicists and experimental psychologists in the 1940s and 1950s, they were almost forgotten in the subsequent decades, making room for what has been described as a “terminological chaos” in the field of numerical cognition. In this paper, I review Stevens’s distinctions to help …Read more
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    Anti-exceptionalists about logic claim that logical methodology is not different from scientific methodology when it comes to theory choice. Two anti-exceptionalist accounts of theory choice in logic are abductivism and predictivism. These accounts have in common reliance on pre-theoretical logical intuitions for the assessment of candidate logical theories. In this paper, I investigate whether intuitions can provide what abductivism and predictivism want from them and conclude that they do not.…Read more
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    In the literature on enculturation—the thesis according to which higher cognitive capacities result from transformations in the brain driven by culture—numerical cognition is often cited as an example. A consequence of the enculturation account for numerical cognition is that individuals cannot acquire numerical competence if a symbolic system for numbers is not available in their cultural environment. This poses a problem for the explanation of the historical origins of numerical concepts and s…Read more
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    Easy, but not that much: how easy ontology can get complicated
    Investigação Filosófica 11 (1): 05. 2020.