Charalambos Tsekeris

National Centre for Social Research (EKKE)
  • Self-Organization and Epistemological Weakness
    with Ioannis Katerelos and Konstantinos Koskinas
    Problemos 79 141-152. 2011.
    This paper seeks to comprehensively and critically interconnect the well-established theoretical and methodological conceptions of self-organization, complexity and chaos with more general issues and dilemmas in the contemporary field of social theory , as well as with a new reflexive ethos and aesthetic of epistemic modesty and humility. In other words, a general theory of self-organization seems to be a suitable and sustainable analytic framework for generating, developing and cultivating a ra…Read more
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    Reflections on networks, human behaviour, and social dynamics in the digital age
    with Theodore Tsekeris and Ioannis Katerelos
    AI and Society 33 (2): 253-260. 2018.
    This article offers a critical discussion in the form of debate among experts in the fields of networks, human behaviour, and social analysis about key issues that arguably affect the human nature and society in the digital age. Based on the responses of Nicholas Christakis to an interview given to the authors, some key questions, applications, and limitations regarding the research on digital networks are discussed, together with hot issues related to the nature of digital data and experimentat…Read more
  • Science, Genetic Knowledge and the Human Body
    with George Alexias
    Problemos 81 67-78. 2012.
    This paper aims to overview the dynamical character of science and scientific knowledge within the changing biotechnological era, as well as the emergent discourse of geneticization and its relevance to genetic counseling and the human body. Its main purpose is to carefully explore and comprehensively critique the contemporary theoretical literature on these distinct but interdependent issues from an interdisciplinary standpoint. The paper encourages further critical contributions to thinking ab…Read more
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    The role of the father in the development of psychosis
    with Elissavet Avramaki
    Filozofija I Društvo 22 (4): 183-206. 2011.
    U psihoanalizi ocinstvu nije pridata velika analiticka paznja i vrlo se malo zna o njegovom aktualnom uticaju na razvitak odredjene psihopatologije. Ovaj tekst pokusava da pazljivo ispita i kriticki razmotri uticaj ocinstva na psihoticne individuume. On razradjuje vaznost oca u zdravom razvitku dece, kao i posledice koje njegovo odsustvo ima za njihovu psihu. Oslanjajuci se na lakankovski analiticki okvir, tvrdi se da je danas ocinska figura umnogome izgubila status koji je prethodno imala. Post…Read more