228Does Global Egalitarianism Provide an Impractical and Unattractive Ideal of Justice?International Affairs 84 (5): 1025-1039. 2008.In his important new book National responsibility and global justice, David Miller presents a systematic challenge to existing theories of global justice. In particular, he argues that cosmopolitan egalitarianism must be rejected. Such views, Miller maintains, would place unacceptable burdens on the most productive political communities, undermine national self-determination, and disincentivize political communities from taking responsibility for their fate. They are also impracticable and quite…Read more
176The Moral Equality of CombatantsIn Seth Lazar & Helen Frowe (eds.), The Oxford Handbook of Ethics of War, Oxford University Press. 2015.The doctrine of the moral equality of combatants holds that combatants on either side of a war have equal moral status even if one side is fighting a just war while the other is not. This chapter examines arguments that have been offered for and against this doctrine, including the collectivist position famously articulated by Walzer and McMahan’s influential individualist critique. We also explore collectivist positions that have rejected the moral equality doctrine and arguments that some indi…Read more
36Economic Statecraft: Human Rights, Sanctions, and Conditionality, by Cécile FabreMind 133 (529): 286-294. 2024.
60Another Shake of the Bag: Stefansson and Willners on Offsetting and Risk ImpositionEthics, Policy and Environment. forthcoming.There is a difference between acting with a probability of making a difference to who is harmed, and worsening someone’s prospect. This difference is relevant to debates about the ethics of offsetting, since it means that showing that emitting-and-offsetting has the first feature is not a way of showing that it has the second feature. In an earlier paper, we illustrate this difference with an example of a lottery in which you shake the bag from which a ball will be drawn to determine the identit…Read more
113Moral Judgment and the Duties of Innocent Beneficiaries of InjusticeReview of Philosophy and Psychology 8 (3): 671-686. 2017.The view that innocent beneficiaries of injustice bear special duties to victims of injustice has recently come under attack. Luck egalitarian theorists have argued that thought experiments focusing on the way innocent beneficiaries should distribute the benefits they’ve received provide evidence against this view. The apparent special duties of innocent beneficiaries, they hold, are wholly reducible to general duties to compensate people for bad brute luck. In this paper we provide empirical ev…Read more
104Do Parental Licensing Schemes Violate the Rights of Biological Parents?Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 94 (3): 755-761. 2017.
Part 4. Economic justice. International tradeIn Darrel Moellendorf & Heather Widdows (eds.), The Routledge Handbook of Global Ethics, Routledge. 2014.
568Do We Impose Undue Risk When We Emit and Offset? A Reply to StefanssonEthics, Policy and Environment 25 (3): 242-248. 2022.ABSTRACT We have previously argued that there are forms of greenhouse gas offsetting for which, when one emits and offsets, one imposes no risk. Orri Stefansson objects that our argument fails to distinguish properly between the people who stand to be harmed by one’s emissions and the people who stand to be benefited by one’s offsetting. We reply by emphasizing the difference between acting with a probability of making a difference to the distribution of harm and acting in a way that worsen’s so…Read more
167Supererogation and OptimisationAustralasian Journal of Philosophy 102 (1): 21-36. 2024.This paper examines three approaches to the relationship between our moral reasons to bear costs for others’ sake before and beyond the call of duty. Symmetry holds that you are required to optimise your beneficial sacrifices even when they are genuinely supererogatory. If you are required to bear a cost C for the sake of a benefit B, when they are the only costs and benefits at stake, you are also conditionally required to bear an additional cost C, for the sake of an additional benefit B, when…Read more
120A Puzzle of Enforceability: Why do Moral Duties Differ in their Enforceability?Journal of Moral Philosophy 19 (3): 1-25. 2021.When someone is poised to fail to fulfil a moral duty, we can respond in a variety of ways. We might remind them of their duty, or seek to persuade them through argument. Or we might intervene forcibly to ensure that they act in accordance with their duty. Some duties appear to be such that the duty-bearer can be liable to forcible interference when this is necessary to ensure that they comply with them. We’ll call duties that carry such liabilities enforcement-apt. Not all duties seem to be enf…Read more
397Critical Notice of Economic Statecraft: Human Rights, Sanctions, and Conditionality, by Cécile Fabre (review)Mind. forthcoming.A Critical Notice of Economic Statecraft: Human Rights, Sanctions, and Conditionality, by Cécile Fabre
181Responsibility for structural injustice: A third thoughtPolitics, Philosophy and Economics 20 (4): 339-356. 2021.Some of the most invidious injustices are seemingly the results of impersonal workings of rigged social structures. Who bears responsibility for the injustices perpetrated through them? Iris Marion...
1068Benefiting from Wrongdoing and Sustaining Wrongful HarmJournal of Moral Philosophy 13 (5): 530-552. 2016.Some moral theorists argue that innocent beneficiaries of wrongdoing may have special remedial duties to address the hardships suffered by the victims of the wrongdoing. These arguments generally aim to simply motivate the idea that being a beneficiary can provide an independent ground for charging agents with remedial duties to the victims of wrongdoing. Consequently, they have neglected contexts in which it is implausible to charge beneficiaries with remedial duties to the victims of wrongdoin…Read more
52Reconsidering a Human Right to DemocracyJournal of Global Ethics 16 (3): 305-315. 2020.In this brief article, I will raise some challenges to each of Pablo Gilabert’s arguments for a human right to democracy (HRD). First, I will question whether the instrumental case for affirming a HRD is as strong as Gilabert and others have suggested. I will then call into question the argument from moral risk, arguing that, for any particular country, we should not operate with a strong presumption that they should pursue further democratization as a high-priority goal. Finally, I will conside…Read more
196Offsetting and Risk ImpositionEthics 132 (2): 352-381. 2022.Suppose you perform two actions. The first imposes a risk of harm that, on its own, would be excessive; but the second reduces the risk of harm by a corresponding amount. By pairing the two actions together to form a set of actions that is risk-neutral, can you thereby make your overall course of conduct permissible? This question is theoretically interesting, because the answer is apparently: sometimes Yes, sometimes No. It is also practically important, because it bears on the moral status of …Read more
843Justifying LockdownEthics and International Affairs 2020. 2020.Our aim in this brief essay is not to defend a particular policy or attitude toward lockdown measures in the United States or elsewhere, but to consider the scope and limits of different types of arguments that can be offered for them. Understanding the complexity of these issues will, we hope, go some way to helping us understand each other and our attitudes toward state responses to the pandemic.
18Moral Uncertainty and the Criminal LawIn Larry Alexander & Kimberly Kessler Ferzan (eds.), The Palgrave Handbook of Applied Ethics and the Criminal Law, Springer Verlag. pp. 445-467. 2019.In this chapter we introduce the nascent literature on Moral Uncertainty Theory and explore its application to the criminal law. Moral Uncertainty Theory seeks to address the question of what we ought to do when we are uncertain about what to do because we are torn between rival moral theories. For instance, we may have some credence in one theory that tells us to do A but also in another that tells us to do B. We examine how we might decide whether or not to criminalize some conduct when we are…Read more
65A critique of some recent victim-centered theories of nonconsequentialismLaw and Philosophy 39 (5): 503-526. 2020.Recently, Gerhard Øverland and Alec Walen have developed novel and interesting theories of nonconsequentialism. Unlike other nonconsequentialist theories such as the Doctrine of Double Effect, each of their theories denies that an agent’s mental states are relevant for determining how stringent their moral reasons are against harming others. Instead, Øverland and Walen seek to distinguish morally between instances of harming in terms of the circumstances of the people who will be harmed, rather …Read more
722On Satisfying Duties to AssistIn Hilary Greaves & Theron Pummer (eds.), Effective Altruism: Philosophical Issues, Oxford University Press. 2019.In this paper, we take up the question of whether there comes a point at which one is no longer morally obliged to do further good, even at very low cost to oneself. More specifically, they ask: under precisely what conditions is it plausible to say that that “point” has been reached? A crude account might focus only on, say, the amount of good the agent has already done, but a moment’s reflection shows that this is indeed too crude. We develop and defend a nuanced account according to which con…Read more
813Moral Uncertainty and the Criminal LawIn Kimberly Ferzan & Larry Alexander (eds.), Handbook of Applied Ethics and the Criminal Law, Palgrave. 2019.In this paper we introduce the nascent literature on Moral Uncertainty Theory and explore its application to the criminal law. Moral Uncertainty Theory seeks to address the question of what we ought to do when we are uncertain about what to do because we are torn between rival moral theories. For instance, we may have some credence in one theory that tells us to do A but also in another that tells us to do B. We examine how we might decide whether or not to criminalize some conduct when we are u…Read more
58Harm, responsibility, and enforceabilityEthics and Global Politics 12 (1): 76-97. 2019.In this article I respond to the eight critical essays in this issue that evaluate the claims in my book with Gerhard Øverland, Responding to Global Poverty: Harm, Responsibility, and Agency.
40Précis of Responding to Global Poverty: Harm, Responsibility, and AgencyEthics and Global Politics 12 (1): 5-7. 2019.In this article I respond to the eight critical essays in this issue that evaluate the claims in my book with Gerhard Øverland, Responding to Global Poverty: Harm, Responsibility, and Agency.
197Ethical Consumerism: A Defense of Market VigilantismPhilosophy and Public Affairs 46 (3): 293-322. 2018.
30Health and Global JusticeEthics and International Affairs 16 (2): 33-34. 2002.In a recent global survey commissioned for the Millennium Summit of the United Nations, people around the world consistently mentioned good health as what they most desired
43The Bounds of Justice, Onora O'Neill , 226 pp., $54.95 cloth, $19.95 paper (review)Ethics and International Affairs 15 (1): 197-200. 2001.
33Boundaries and Allegiances, Samuel Scheffler , 221 pp., $29.95 cloth (review)Ethics and International Affairs 16 (1): 167-172. 2002.
643International Political Theory Meets International Public PolicyIn Chris Brown & Robyn Eckersley (eds.), Oxford Handbook of International Political Theory, Oxford University Press. pp. 480-494. 2018.How should International Political Theory (IPT) relate to public policy? Should theorists aspire for their work to be policy- relevant and, if so, in what sense? When can we legitimately criticize a theory for failing to be relevant to practice? To develop a response to these questions, I will consider two issues: (1) the extent to which international political theorists should be concerned that the norms they articulate are precise enough to entail clear practical advice under different empiric…Read more
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